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Oh the events around the Earth Day

Today around the world people are rejoicing in nature by observing Earth Day. When it comes to global awareness, Earth Day is the most important day of the year for people concerned about issues such as global warning and pollution.
Traditionally, Earth Day is celebrated by planting trees and being energy efficient. However, for people who are more active about getting the message of saving the planet out in the world, there will also be rallies and concerts.
According to earth-day.org, while Americans comprise only five percent of the world’s population, we consume as much as 25 percent of the world’s resources. Even more daunting is the fact that 50 percent of the energy we produce comes from coal. If we start using more “green” methods of creating energy, we can start helping the Earth back on its way to recovery. For example, power created by wind turbines can produce enough energy to power a city block for a few months; hydropower and solar power can also aid the planet by using the natural, renewable resources of water and the sun, instead of the nonrenewable resources such as crude oil and coal.
To have their voices heard, people concerned with the planet’s welfare will hold events all around the globe. There is the Switch-Off Power Hour in Qatar, the Climate Rally in Washington, D.C., and the Happy Hippy Day in Tokyo, Japan. All of these events are directed towards people who want to celebrate the planet and encourage the movement to further prevent global warming.
Valdostans can celebrate Earth Day with the annual celebration in Drexel Park. Hosted by S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Environment), on Saturday April 24, the bands Greenland is Melting and Night Driving in Small Towns, other artists, and information tables will fill the park. There will also be guest speakers and discussions about local environmental issues, such as the proposed biomass incinerator facility that would increase carbon dioxide output. For more information, visit the Facebook event page for Valdosta Earth Day 2010.
For students who are interested in helping the planet, here are a few simple and effective tips:
– To save energy, turn off your lights and unplug any other electrical appliances you don’t use every day
– Use modes of transportation such as biking, walking, or public transportation instead driving your own car. If possible, don’t use your car as much as you usually do—you might be more stationary, but you’re doing the planet a favor.
– It is now more important than ever to start recycling. For organic waste, start a compost pile that can be used for fertilizer. By recycling just your plastic bottles, you can help reduce landfills and contribute to the production of cheaper plastic products. City residents can obtain recycling bins from the Public Works Department by calling (229) 259-3588. Apartment residents, ask your property to offer recycling options if they don’t already.
– If you have any old cell phones, there are mail-in programs to recycle them. It is also important to dispose of old computers, electronics, and batteries properly so they don’t sit in landfills and poison the ground with leaking lithium and other hazardous chemicals.
– Try to cultivate as much plant life as you can; plants help absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Use your compost pile as fertilizer to make your plants grow without chemical fertilizer.

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