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Surviving finals, for students, by students

1. Work, Study, then Party
Micah Nusbickel, senior mass media major, seems to be following this plan.
“Every waking moment that I’m not studying, taking the test, or working will most likely be spent at Charley O’s,” he says.
2. One Class at a Time
Follow in the footsteps of several VSU students and just take finals one day at a time.
“I’m planning on just taking my time and just going one class at a time. I have a final on the third, and one on the fifth, so I plan on studying for the one on the third and then the one on the fifth later on. Just taking my time. I’m not going to stress about them. Just go over notes and what I learned in class and everything,” Shanise Showell, freshman early childhood education major, says.
Josh Dreis, junior accounting major, has a similar plan.
“One class at a time. Got nine finals. If I take all nine, I’m gonna go freakin’ crazy, but at least I’ll study cause that’s the difference between a C and an A,” he says.
3. Just Wing It
If you’re feeling really brave, you can follow this plan, suggested by Jessica Daniels, freshman French major.
“I’m planning on wingin’ it almost. Maybe study, late-night cram studying, try to get in six hours of sleep, because you really need that good sleep. And I’m going to eat peanut butter because it’s good for your memory. But other than that, I’m going to be lazy. I’m not even going to lie,” she says.
4. Actually Study
Sean Walsh, freshman biology and English major, is confident in his finals preparation strategies.
“I’m going to survive finals because I’ve already studied for both of mine. I’m going to use my time effectively and I’m going to believe for the best,” he says.
Walsh is not alone in his hope for passing finals. Natasha Cobbs, freshman art education major, plans to study hard and hope that she passes.
5. Chillax
Sean Chartier, freshman undecided major, remains calm and collected in the face of impending finals. How will he pass his finals?
“Eh, like I usually do,” he says. “Play video games, watch TV, take one class at a time. Not study at all probably. Probably B.S. my way through it.”
6. Avoid them
Esmond Pickett, freshman theatre major, has mastered this strategy.
“I plan on probably avoiding finals a little. Maybe I might go to class and show up the last five minutes of my final and then give some really sappy sob story and then probably they’ll pass me. Maybe,” he says.
7. Work Your Mind, Body, and Soul
After a grueling day of testing, Chuck Stanton, freshman marketing major, plans to exercise his body then relax. “I’m probably gonna hit the gym and then go fishin’ cause you can’t have finals without fishin’,” he says.
8. Utilize Your Dreamtime for a Greater Purpose
Randolph McFadden, freshman business major, has a nonconventional strategy that might be worth a try.
“Study really hard, record all the stuff on tape, and the when I go to sleep I’ll put it in my headphones. And hopefully when I wake up I’ll have all the information in my head,” he says.
9. Don’t!
You could always just give up on finals, school, and life all together.
“I’m not [going to survive.]” Julie Wilson, sophomore early childhood education major,said. “I’m just gonna die. But I’m halfway done, so it’s all good.”
The hearty laugh that followed this revelation suggests that Wilson has no plans on actually dying because of finals and that she was merely joking.
10. Find a Study Buddy
Dr. Donna Sewell, English professor, offers some more serious tips for surviving finals.
“Students need to make sure that they rest and get plenty of food so that their brains will be firing on all cylinders,” she said. “Study partners are helpful for accountability. Study dates, meeting and reviewing the material together, quizzing each other. It’s often a good strategy to try to anticipate the test. In other words, create your own ‘here’s what I think the teacher will ask us’ and answer those. Even if you don’t guess correctly the kind of questions that will be on there, you still will have studied.”

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