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Stealing music not worth it

  Since the recent Limewire situation, where the program was unexpectedly shut down, many students are not only shocked but disappointed. Downloading free music in homes is not the only issue; students downloading music on campus could possibly cause ethical and future cost issues for the school. 
The hardest part of having this program shut down is, believe it or not, there are more of them.  Limewire is not the only program that enables students to download music illegally, there’s Frostwire as well. 

So the problem on campus that has caused administration to take action is students living in dorms who are downloading music illegally and possibly causing much trouble (such as infringement notices) and wasted time for VSU as a whole. 

 With many kids downloading music for free everywhere, more people have taken action on this issue, including a federal judge who ordered Limewire to be shut down.  This should make it easier for the school to enforce, but who really gets in trouble for the free music being downloaded: the student or the school? 

 If a student wants to take the risk of dealing with the consequences of downloading that band he/she can’t live without, it’s up to that person.  However, taking away one service will only provoke and encourage someone to find another way of getting the music – illegal or not. 

 You might also see the name “file sharing,” a less infamous name for downloading free music, which is frowned upon by many, although seems harmless to most.  Whether putting the music on an iPod or just for listening pleasure at home, downloading free music is not the right thing to do, no matter who is taking the heat for it.

 If this free music is getting in the way of other students’ internet connection or ability to work effectively online, there’s no reason it should be continued on our campus without some sort of repercussion.

 Imagine if you were a singer or songwriter or anyone who makes money off their talent or creativity.  Now imagine not getting your deserved profit for the work you do because people want to enjoy your product without ever paying for it. 

 How fair is that?  If you want to support an artist, the best way to show them is through your finances.

 All in all, this file sharing business can get sticky for students and the school alike, but with continued effort from the administration and participation from the students, this situation won’t get out of hand. 

This editorial was written by Dorsena Drakeford (dmdrakeford@valdosta.edu) and it expresses the opinion of the entire editorial staff.

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