The $48 student technology fee is not likely to increase next year the Student Technology Fee Committee said in a meeting Wednesday in Odum Library.
The committee also discussed current projects funds and budget proposals, future planned activities and goals for the next fiscal school year during a meeting Wednesday afternoon in the Odum Library.
“What I feel confident in saying is that we are meeting the general needs brought to us as efficiently as we can,” Joe Newton, director of Information Technology, said.
The committee still looks to improve other areas, such as nursing building.
“It’s an old building with metal walls,” Deborah Weaver, Associate Professor of College of Nursing, said. “It clearly needs attention and improvement. There is a problem with students bringing their computers to class, and there being a lack of HallNet access due to the shortage of nodes needed to connect wireless.”
The committee also discussed new and more powerful Xirrus technology similar to what is provided in Langdale and Converse Halls, and N-Access points in Georgia Hall.
“All residence halls except Langdale and Converse have one wireless port per bed,” Newton said. “Now students no longer have to camp out in their hallways to get better internet.”
The committee has been very productive over the last school year with supplying equipment for 18 smart classrooms and three computer labs in the renovated Nevins Hall.
“One of our focuses is the improvement of buildings,” Newton said. “Last year we only focused on Nevins, but we’re moving up.”
Forty-three classrooms were upgraded to current standards, and 20 other computer labs were upgraded with new equipment. Two new printers replaced Galileo printers, and used equipment was recycled to the New Student Union, and Media Services.
“We’ve improved the printer situation in which the printer would get broken by students trying to fix it themselves,” Newton said. “Now we have an official person to regularly check the printer, and report problems before they get worse”
The committee plans on continuing to improve learning with their future projects including new buildings on main campus, upgrading hardware and software, increasing printing supplies and locations from dorms, and expanding and reinforcing wireless in academic areas.
“Our future goal is to have students be able to print from their dorms, and be able to go anywhere on campus to pick it up, that would be the Holy Grail,” Newton said.