For the first time ever, VSU undergraduates can stay home…and still earn their entire degree without ever having to enter the classroom.
Beginning fall 2011, VSU will offer complete online degrees in criminal justice, office administration and technology, and legal assistant studies, with many other programs to follow.
“This newly adopted program is designed to convenience such students that may live too far away from campus to commute back and forth regularly,” Dr. Gerald Merwin, associate professor of political science, said.
VSU already allows students to complete the majority of their core curriculum through eCore, the Electronic Core Curriculum for the University System of Georgia.
According to VSU’s eCore Web site, eCore classes provide flexibility and convenience of online learning, but also follow all of the traditional standards of on-campus learning.
In addition to the eCore program, VSU offers online undergraduate courses in nursing, English, political science, American sign language, sociology, philosophy, adult and career education, and special education.
“About 17 percent of all VSU students took at least one course online last semester and more than 1,100 students took all of their classes online,” Jon Sizemore, assistant director of Public Services for Distance Learning, said.
In previous semesters, the success rates of students who take online classes are as good as those who take formal classes.
“For most subjects, the outcomes in online courses are comparable to those students in campus courses,” Sizemore said.
VSU is not the only school that provides these online courses.
“There are lots of other efforts within the University System to put these types of learning opportunities into practice,” Merwin said. “We, here at VSU, hope to have a good number of these programs in full swing by the fall.”