Sunday kicked off HIV/AIDS awareness week, hosted by HEROS (Helping Everywhere Reaching Out). The goal of this event is to further inform the Georgia community of this growing global epidemic.
“I think AIDS awareness week is good because it informs people about safety,” said Hannah Craig, a freshman mass media major.
Monday the campus offered free HIV/AIDS testing in the Student Union Ballrooms A and B from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday VSU hosted the Red Alert showcase which featured the Red Pump campaign in the Union Ballrooms B and C at 7 pm.
Wednesday HERO hosted a bake sale at the Student Union Display A from 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Awareness concludes today, world AIDS day, with a “Kill the Noise” forum hosted by the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. at 7:15 in Jennett Hall.
According to, an estimated 1.7 million have been infected with AIDS while 1.1 million are currently living with the disease. Statistics say that out of the 1.1 million living with the disease, 1 out of every 5 (21 percent) are unaware they even have it.“You should protect and watch out for yourself.’ Bianca Allen, a sophomore exercise physiology major said.
“I think HIV/AIDS awareness week is important because it brings awareness to a global issue that will one day affect us as adults in more ways than one.”