Written By: Kristin Whitman
Flu season is in the works—are you prepared?
The 9th annual Benefit and Wellness Fair took place this past Tuesday on the third floor of the Student Union and included free massages, prize giveaways and free or inexpensive flu shots.
There were over 60 exhibitors at the event handing out information on health and answering any questions at their booth.
The top floor of the Student Union was filled with students, faculty, staff and alumni buzzing around the room to learn more about fitness demonstrations, such as yoga and Tai Chi, discount tickets to Wild Adventures, giveaways and prize drawings, refreshments and free mini manicures.
At the benefit, there were free glucose/cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, hearing and vision screenings.
“I had a vision screening,”Krystin Souter, senior biology major, said. “I found out I was pretty much blind.”
Free flu shots were also given to the first 200 faculty, staff and VSU retirees provided by the University System of Georgia. After the first 200, a five-dollar fee was charged.
Ten-dollar flu shots were given to students.
Blaze hung around the wellness event from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and cheered on the visitors to be healthier and to take an interest in their daily wellness.
The VSU wellness committee supports a well-rounded awareness and practice of healthy living by offering many programs and activities that address emotional, social, physical and intellectual benefits of VSU’s campus and population.