Home / Fall 2014 / SGA approves grade bill

SGA approves grade bill

Written By: LaShawn Oglesby

On Monday, the SGA discussed many future events at VSU, including a new academic bill, new food programs on campus, and a fireside chat with President William McKinney,.

The SGA voted unanimously in favor of the Academic Forgiveness Bill. If also approved by the faculty senate, this bill will allow students who earned a C, D or F in a course to have the grade wiped from their record if they retake the course and make an A or B.

Sophomore SGA Senator Brittany Williams also introduced new plans that were discussed at a recent dining advisory board meeting, one of which was Palms’ pizza delivery. The program will possibly start this fall during finals week, while the other program, called Eco Clam Shell, will start in the spring. Palms will be delivering their pizza to various campus locations, excluding Centennial Hall.

“They’re working on it,” Senator Williams said. “By the spring they hope to expand their options so you’ll be able to order other things instead of just pizza.”

Pizza delivery will be open from 2-11 p.m. seven days a week, and there will be no delivery charge.

The Eco Clam Shell program will allow packaging food to go. Participants of this program must pay the first time they get to-go food. The package is a plastic clam shell container, and a meal plan is not needed for this program.

The first purchase costs about seven dollars plus the door rate. After the initial purchase, the only thing that has to be paid is the door rate.

The upcoming fireside chat event with Dr. McKinney was mentioned as well. Many of VSU faculty will be in attendance: Provost Hudson Rogers, IT’s Chief Information Officer Brian Haugabrook, the director of auxiliary services, Shannon McGee, the assistant director of housing for resident education, Mark McNally, and the director of housing and residence life, Tom Harding. The chat will be Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in Powell Hall.

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  1. “Brian Haugabrook, the director of auxiliary services, Shannon McGee, the assistant director of housing for resident education, Mark McNally, and the director of housing and residence life, Tom Harding” are staff not faculty – there is an important distinction, both in stature and education. Faculty follows the path, professor, department head, dean, provost, president. Staff is at-will employment by HR, and faculty tenured or tenure-track appointment by the president. Being succinct and precise in reporting is key. Also, spellcheck helps. =)

  2. I hope they’ll ask President McKinney why no Sigma Nu member received any punishment over the
    obscene signs and language at the game in September.

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