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Campus to test emergency alert system

Photo Illustration by Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Written by Jordan Barela, Editor-in-Chief 

A brief test of the emergency notification system will go into effect tomorrow morning.

Starting at 10 a.m., the emergency test will include both an email and text alert to any registered devices.

The test will also utilize a new desktop alert. A sample alert message will Sample photo of a display message that can appear on campus computer screens tomorrow. display to anyone logged on a campus computer. The display message can be cleared off.

The VSU community will not have to take any emergency action.

According to Alan Rowe, the Emergency Management Coordinator, the test will only last a few moments.  Students, faculty and staff that enrolled or will enroll in the campus alert system before tomorrow morning will receive the different alert tests.

“Our goals for this test are simply to ensure the system is working properly and sending the messages we intend,” Rowe said. “We haven’t had issues with it in the past, but a real emergency would be a bad time to find out its experiencing errors. The University community can begin to see a test of this sort at the beginning of each semester in the future.”

Rowe said that the purpose of the test is not tied to any previous incident.

“The key to success in this test and of the emergency alert system, as a whole, is participation,” Rowe said.

According to Rowe, 68.9 percent of the VSU community has enrolled in the campus alert system.

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