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Campus Rec gets a facelift

The Campus Recreation Center circuit room will be replaced by with a cross fit training room within two months. All the current equipment will be removed. (Photo Courtesy Tierra Bell/THE SPECTATOR)

Written by Tierra Bell, Staff Writer

The Department of Campus Recreation has plans to repurpose the upstairs area to assist different students. The circuit room, which is located upstairs on the left side near the restrooms, will serve as a CrossFit training area.

“We discovered the circuit room doesn’t see as much use as we would like,” Shawn Phippen, associate director of campus rec said. “We haven’t really done a major facelift in quite a while upstairs. We added a fitness testing lab a couple of years ago.”

The Campus Recreation received recommendations and encouragement from students suggesting that they find alternative options such as functional training or CrossFit type of equipment. Currently, there is no gear that satisfies those needs.

“It was based on student demand and information that we collect in surveys. We felt that the students would be very receptive in doing this,” Phippen said.

Renovations in the area started this week. To begin the remodeling process, the equipment must first be moved out in order to start painting. After the equipment is removed, contractors will come in to install specialized flooring, because Olympic lifting will be allowed in that area. After this is completed, the company will move the new equipment in and it’ll be open.

The Department of Campus Rec. are working with several VSU students from interior design to help decide which colors are appropriate.

In addition to the group fitness classes that are held downstairs, the circuit room will also house small fitness classes.

“We’re hoping that we could teach a couple of classes up there as well, but on a smaller scale,” Phippen said. “Maybe eight to twelve people just because the area is a little smaller.”

When a class is not in session, the estimated capacity will be between fifteen and twenty people.

Several staff members will be trained to run the course. Personal trainers and group fitness instructors will get additional training on how to run a class as well.

The circuit’s room equipment will include power racks, an octagon, battle ropes, sand bags, punching bags, tires, a landmine, and monkey bars.

“We really want to appeal to a different group of students that we don’t really have anything for right now. That’s really what we’re trying to do. Have a segment that we’re missing out on, essentially. We really want to be able to capture the students and encourage them,” Phippen said.

The Campus Rec employees estimate that the renovations should be completed before spring break. They estimate that it will take three to four weeks to get everything up and running. The area is closed during that time period.

Phippen says that student affairs and students are looking forward to the transformation.

“We’ve had massive support from the president, vice president of student affairs to get that done. We’re pretty excited,” Phippen said. “We’re hopeful that it’s going to make a big difference and that’s what we care about. We’ve had a lot of positive responses from students, especially after they heard we were looking into it. “

The Campus Rec employees are also excited for the changes to come.

“I think this is going to be great,” said Greg Knaus, a graduate assistant at the rec. “I believe a lot in Olympic lifts and right now we don’t have a lot of access to that so it’ll give more opportunities for that.”

Anne Baldwin feels that the makeover over will offer more versatility in the rec.

“It’ll cater to more people instead of the weightlifting,” Baldwin said. “I think sometimes girls are intimidated by the equipment so it might get more girls to come in.”

However, some students aren’t aware of the transition that’s taking place.

“I didn’t know about the changes,” senior Caleb Marshall said. “I think it’s pretty cool. I know with playing sports, you have Olympic lifts with more complex movements so it’ll be a full body workout as opposed to isolation stuff that’s here. So I think it’s pretty good. You’ll get the best of both worlds.”

Along with the changes inside the rec, there will be changes outside the rec as well. Another project in progress is transforming the intramural fields from grass to turf.

Students can anticipate the new turf to be in place by fall of 2016.



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