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SGA meeting features guests, music

Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Written by Hunter Terrell, Staff Writer 

VSU’s Student Government Association hosted its weekly meeting with the addition of four guest speakers as well as a performance from a senator’s band.

The first order of business came from Shawn Pippen. He provided the senators with updates about VSU’s annual Haunted Trail. Pippen asked senators to come out, promote and encourage student participation, stating “word of mouth is very effective.”

Pippen said there will be vendors down Azalea Trail this year and there will be different nights such as College night, Greek night, etc.

The Haunted Trail is expected to run Oct. 24-28 and price will range between $2-5 depending on night.

Shannon McGee, director of Auxiliary Services was the next guest to speak to the senators. She provided the senators with the recent changes VSU has made with the dining service, Aramark.

McGee said Which Wich will turn over construction Oct. 1. Palms will be getting new paint and flooring, sautéed vegetables at the pasta line and a Mongolian grill section.  She also mentioned that the Blazer Sports Grill plans to start a 2 for $20 deal similar to Applebee’s or Chili’s.

Dealing with maybe the most controversial topic on campus, McGee encourages students to come talk her about any problems they be have experienced with dining services.

“Most complaints come from social media,” he said. “I have gotten one phone call. If you have a problem, please let me know. Feel free to give feedback.”

The new Auxiliary building is located on Patterson across from the University Center. McGee said she cannot promise she will always be in her office, but she promises to always meet students’ needs first.

Next on the list were student presenters Michaela Willingham, Morgan Fambro and Maya Jackson promoting their female hygiene drive, HerGeine.

The group presented to SGA for assistance in promotion of their service.

HerGeine’s mission is to “encourage individuals to fall in love with taking care of themselves mind, body and spirit.”

Even though the name may seem gender restricted, all personal care products for all genders are accepted: toothpaste, deodorant, menstrual products, etc.

All collected items will go to students, The Haven and different resident halls.

There will be a raffle at the end of the drive and there will be a total of four giveaway baskets. Winners will be randomly drawn.

HerGeine will take place beginning Oct. 12-24 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11-2 in the Student Union.

The girls plan on having the drive twice a semester, if the initial one goes as planned. SGA senators are fully behind HerGeine and have decided to have a donation box set up at their weekly SGA meetings to help support as well.

Last to make a presentation was former senator Devin Spencer.

Spencer presented current SGA senators with his previous and current responsibilities on VSU campus in hopes to return to the SGA council.

Sen. Slappey made the first motion of discussion and voting on Spencer’s return to SGA.

The senators agreed to suspend the current regulation of the week-long waiting period to conduct a member into SGA.

Sen. Spencer was welcome back into the room with a warm, congratulating applause.

After Comptroller Erin Shaw announced that name tags and shirt orders were in, President Maya Mapp continued with inviting all senators to an exclusive luncheon.

To wrap it all up, Sen. Richard Brito and his band, The Cookout, left the meeting with an inspirational moment performing the song “Don’t Dream it’s Over.”

Senators also voted on changing weekly meetings to 7 p.m. on Mondays instead of 8 p.m.



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