After graduating college, some may find themselves to be in the job-hunting rut. You have a degree, but have difficulty finding the place that is best suited for it. Regardless, students should be prepared for the job world, even if they do not find one right away.
College years are the hallmark for finding yourself—to figure out what you’re passionate about—and apply it to a degree. That degree will pave the way for a career. College is meant to prepare students for a successful career, to teach them skills that they can apply in the job world.
Advisers and professors will work with you to succeed. Sitting down and talking to them will not only help you in the classroom but to discipline yourself as well. They give you deadlines and extensive homework assignments because they want to prepare you to do the hard work that will be necessary for a career.
Building a resume will go a long way in a job interview. There are resumes available to help you. Updating your resume regularly is important as well. People learn new things every day, so a new skill could improve your resume for your future employer.
When sending in your application to a job, keep in mind what employers will be looking for in a resume. Attaining a degree is only one of many steps to take to be successful in the job world.
“Before graduation, students need to know that a college degree might get you in the door for an interview and increase your earning potential, but it’s only part of the employment equation,” said Carol J. Carter of the Huffington Post. “To land the job, employers aren’t only looking at what you know; they want to know what you can do.”
One of the best ways to gain experience before entering the job world is through internships. They give you the tools necessary to succeed in a career. It is never a bad idea to pursue an internship. Future employers reviewing your resume are looking for experience, so an internship can give you that leg up above other applicants who have none.
For seniors, the last few semesters of classes become intense and time consuming. You will learn hands-on skills for your degree. Your professors will challenge you more than ever to prepare you for after graduation. So, pay attention and listen to them. They give you hard work not because they feel like it, but because they want you to succeed. Take the time and pick up those valuable skills.
Attend job fairs that are hosted by VSU. They are offered at least twice a semester. This is a good opportunity to meet future employers. It is also a way to put your feet in the water and see what they are looking for in a future employee.
Career Opportunities at VSU provides many of these aspects in a teachable environment. They have workshops scheduled for the entire year, apply though the Blazer Briefcase. Their next workshop is September 28; the topic will be Coordinating Professional Interview Attire.
With these in mind, you should have a well-structured academic career under your belt. Do not be afraid to try new experiences, even something small could mean a big step closer to that dream job. Work hard, learn all you can and success should not be far behind.
Story by Alex Dunn, Campus Life Editor.
Photo by Valdosta State University.
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