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Dean Lowe embraces student development

A little over two months ago, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Daryl Lowe came to VSU. Lowe lives his life following his passion: student development.

Originally from Detroit, Lowe was raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He enjoys reading, exercise, and loves to “kill it” at karaoke.

Lowe’s love for student development led him to become Assistant Dean of Students at Tennessee State University and Associate Dean of Students at Kentucky State University.

After reading VSU’s website that said “11,000 individual voices,” Lowe knew he wanted to work at a university that cared about its students.

“That really spoke to me because that demonstrates how VSU has an invested interest in every single student,” Lowe said.

As the dean of students, Lowe acts as an advocate for all students. He takes pride in this every day.

“Each issue that affects the students, I handle,” Lowe said.

Lowe supervises various committees and departments like student life, student conduct, and residence life.

“If a student needs help withdrawing from class or just wants to talk, my job is to remove the barrier and have the students walk across that stage in four years,” Lowe said.

So far Lowe’s favorite characteristics of VSU include things that only the students can bring.

Lowe admires that VSU students are very vocal and aware of issues around campus. He also notices that they are always finding ways to give back to the community.

“I was on the yard yesterday and I saw students having a ‘Tie Campaign’ so that men could have them for interviews,” Lowe said.

Lowe is always open to talk to students. He does not mind them emailing him or visiting his office on the second floor of the Student Union in the Student Affairs office.

Written by Taylor Sutherland, Staff Writer. Photo by Juston Lewis, Sports Editor.

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