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People poll: How do you deal with stress?

“I deal with stress by listening to gospel music,” Essence Gram, a junior criminal justice major, said.

“I pray to God every morning and every night so when I encounter problems I know how to deal with them,” Ashanti Henderson, a sophomore biology pre-pharmacy major, said.

“I make a list and I check everything off so I make sure I get it all done,” Emma Golden, a sophomore mass media major, said.


“For me I deal with stress by gaming , it’s helps me escape from reality,” Joellyn Mak, a senior dental hygienist, said.


“ I deal with stress but not dealing with it, I just keep going,” Justin Wilkins, a freshman pre-med major, said.

“ I deal with stress by working out,” Wesley Veal, a freshman public relations major, said.

“I deal with stress by going for long walks,” Max Hughes, a freshman public relations major, said.

Photos and quotes by Briana Salem, Staff Writer. 

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