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Preview: SGA prepares for campaign season

It’s that time of the year again: VSU’s annual SGA elections. Each year elections are held to fill all the positions in office. Campaigning begins March 30.

“Terms last for one year, and elections fill each position in SGA,” Christopher Thompson, SGA senator, said. “The positions include president, vice-president, comptroller, secretary and senators.”

To apply for a senator position, candidates are required to complete an online application as well as a written packet containing signatures of 100 to 200 students who support the candidate’s nomination.

“Also, candidates should meet the requirements listed in the governing documents,” Thompson said. “Any student that can meet these requirements, no matter their background, can join SGA.”

One student, freshman Faith McFadden, is running for senator.

“I’ve only been a senator since I’ve arrived at VSU a few months ago through a vacant senator seat,” McFadden said.

Faith had a taste of how SGA works and decided to run for a full term because she enjoyed the short period serving as a senator for VSU.

“I applied to be a senator because coming in and not knowing anyone was tough,” McFadden said. “I’ve always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself while helping people along the way. What better way to meet and befriend people who share common visions?”

Applications were advertised over a period of three weeks through several different outlets. The deadline for the applications was Friday, March 23. Each application has been revised to ensure they were completed.

“After reviewing each application, I can honestly say I am very excited by each candidate,” Thompson said.

SGA has taught several people life lessons about how to deal with tough situations and overcome the odds.

“SGA taught me that teamwork is key,” McFadden said. “It’s difficult to be the voice of the student body if we can’t come together. One voice or concern can only do so much. When we come together, voice our concerns and stand up as a unit, we can do so much more and really make a change here on campus.”

All candidates will have two weeks to campaign until voting starts. Voting will take place April 12 to the 13. Every student should receive an email with a link asking them to vote for senate and executive candidates.

“I am confident that, if elected, each candidate will do well in their position.” Thompson said.

Keep an eye out for potential executive board members during campaign week.

Written by Tamera Sanders, Staff Writer. Photo by Taylor Sutherland.

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