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Spectator Spotlight:New student business finding early success

From a wig construction company to several types of quality goods,“Pretty Spoiled Beauteé ‘’ was born after Shanneek Prince decided 2019 was her year of growth.
Valdosta State University has had a trend of student business’ growing throughout its campus. Prince’s journey to start Pretty Spoiled Beauteé became something she knew she wanted to make happen.
“Throughout the entire 2019 I went through a lot and I had my moments when I was extremely low,” said Prince. “At the end of the year I told myself I would work on myself. Encourage myself to be better, do better and put my thoughts into action. I knew I wanted to start a business but I wanted to do a business I loved.”
Prince was not alone on this journey though. Inspired by a Youtuber named BunniHoney, her vision became more of a reality.
“She [BunniHoneyy] published a video on her YouTube Channel titled “How I Started My Lash Business with $65,” said Prince. “Watching that video really gave me the push I needed to do what I needed to do. I just brainstormed with Sheniza Dawson on a business name and what products I should start with and it went off from there.”
While Pretty Spoiled Beauteé currently only has designed denim jackets, hair clips, and fur headbands, Prince is sure that there will be more products to come as her dreams for the company are continuing to grow.
“I see my business expanding so much in the future,” Prince said. “If I’m being honest, this was a huge risk to take. To start a business, you do have to invest money and it’s a fifty-fifty chance your business may fail or not when you first start but I can say I’ve been astonished at the amount of support I’ve been getting.”
Amya McCord, a sophomore health science major, is drawn to Pretty Spoiled Beauteé’s products because of the appeal of the hair clips, but also the affordability.
“The hair accessories that are available, appealed to me personally because the zodiac hair pins helped bring my birthday vision to reality,” McCord said. “The affordability of the products offered, compared to major retailers was significantly lower, which drew me to purchase from Pretty Spoiled Beauteé.”
For customers like McCord, Pretty Spoiled Beauteé is something Prince wants people to feel confident in.
“You are receiving quality products for a price you cannot beat,” she said. “There’s no one else that sells the products that I am selling for this low. Love and time is put into this company. It’s not all about money, I want to see people face light up when they receive their package.”

Written by Kaitlyn Baich, Web Editor. Graphic Courtesy of  the Bethany Davis. 

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