Home / Opinions / Column: Being a feminine male doesn’t equal struggling with sexuality

Column: Being a feminine male doesn’t equal struggling with sexuality

The division line between sexual orientation is stronger than ever, and feminine, straight men oftentimes find themselves with an assumed orientation by their peers and colleagues, no matter their political views or moral compass.

The term “metrosexual” started to circulate in the early 2000s.

To be metrosexual simply means being a straight male who may have liberal political views and favors self-care or happen to be more feminine. Celebrities who exemplify being metrosexual are David Beckham, Adam Levine and Harry Styles.

These are celebrities that society loves because of the way they embrace their femininity as men, but it isn’t that way for ordinary, metrosexual men.

It’s notable that canceling gender norms has become prominent in our society; it’s a beautiful step in our closed-minded society.

However, men who enjoy (what we have shaped to view as) feminine things are shamed by conservatives for being too sensitive or too feminine.

Then, they are shamed by liberals because they are not being their “true selves” by not coming out as homosexual. Liberals oftentimes feel sorry for metrosexual men because they feel as though they are afraid to embrace their sexuality.

This normally comes from a place of love, but it’s a problem that leads to an identity crisis amongst this specific group of people. It can also lead to depression and other mental struggles.

It’s a prime example of how much of an issue closed-mindedness and gender norms are in our society.

Metrosexual men are oftentimes left feeling something short of a “real man” due to these stereotypes straight men are “supposed” to live up to.

This can also force metrosexual men to have predominately female friends, which entices these sexuality assumptions.

Men are allowed to be sensitive, care about their hair and embrace their feminine sides while being heterosexual. This doesn’t make them weak nor needed to be felt sorry for. This only enables toxic and fragile masculinity in our already toxic and fragile society.

This kind of treatment towards metrosexual men from both sides of the political spectrum is dangerous, and society needs to be reminded not to assume nor force sexual orientation on someone based off their personality or likes and dislikes.

We have made incredible progress as a society to be loving towards others, but it’s time to take it one step further.

Story by Jonnie Brewer, Managing/News Editor. Photo courtesy of Bethany Davis, special to The Spectator. 

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