The 2020 presidential election is quickly approaching. In November many students will vote for the first time. Kayla Ellis, sophomore biology major “Yes! I voted in this past election. I’m eighteen. Obviously not the presidential election, but the election for the nominees. I voted because I want to have a voice and I want to participate in voting for people ...
Read More »People Poll: Do you think VSU should have started the semester face-to-face?
Ian Penix, junior biology major “No, because of the way that the U.S.A. is handling the pandemic and the spike in coronavirus cases, it seems like a bad idea for college students, of all people, to come back to campus where social activities are still going to occur.” Carter Gilbert, senior environmental geosciences major “No, they also should’ve given ...
Read More »Opinion: Should celebrities run for public office?
Celebrities running for political office have been a sight that has been seen for decades. Before Ronald Reagan became the President of the United States, he served as president of the Screen Actors Guild and had a successful film career, starring in over 50 movies across three decades. Arnold Schwarzenegger served as Governor of California for eight years while also ...
Read More »Editorial: VSU isn’t giving us enough information on COVID-19 numbers
On Friday Aug. 28, Valdosta State University finally began posting their numbers for COVID-19 cases among students and faculty. As of Sept. 4, there have been 27 new positive cases, bringing the total number of active cases in a 10-day period to 47. VSU has done a great job coming up with a way to update students about active cases ...
Read More »Look for solutions in racial education
College is supposed to teach you how to function in the real world and be a good, contributing member of society. Some things aren’t that simple. Racism is one of those things. You might think that requiring students to take classes about race would help to resolve the growing tension and racial division in America, but it wouldn’t. We are ...
Read More »Column: Why students should take wearing face masks more seriously
Wearing a mask shouldn’t be an option during the age of COVID-19. Since the virus has made its way to the United States, the country has struggled to keep it under control. And one of the main reasons for this is the leniency regarding wearing a mask. Although it’s required to wear a mask on-campus since school started on Aug. ...
Read More »People Poll: What are your concerns about the fall semester at VSU?
VSU released plans on July 2 explaining what will go in-effect to make sure everyone on campus stays safe. Students however, still have concerns with aspects of the plan. Andria Mattox, freshman biology major “What concerns me most is how dependent this is on every student’s cooperation. Eighty-nine percent of Americans wear a mask. With the rising number of cases ...
Read More »Column: A Country’s Crumbling
The killing of George Floyd was truly a turning point in American history. If the social and political consequences from the aftermath are allowed to go unchecked, the rule of law as we know it could wither away. What started in Minneapolis on May 28, was soon mimicked in several cities across the country: mass protests, but also riots, violence, ...
Read More »Just because VSU isn’t an HBCU, doesn’t mean students should stay silent
While the entire world is in the midst of a fight against the life-threatening virus known as COVID-19, another illness, one that has been around for centuries, has continued to rock our nation. Racism. Racism can be defined as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority ...
Read More »May the Virus End This Month: Celebrations of May
Remember when I said social distancing would end in my last column? Yeah, about that… May is upon us, and either through sheer optimism or bitter denial, I was hoping COVID-19’s curve would be flattened by now. Georgia’s shelter-in-place will be officially over at midnight, but with the number of cases still rising, it’s not looking too good. Even though ...
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