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Social media class winners honored at city council

Written by Jasmine Hightower, Copyeditor. The City of Valdosta honored the winning team from VSU’s ...


  1. Just a comment about the south bound Oak Street turning lane onto Brookwood during the freak storm we had on the 20th September 2012: Not blocking off that turning lane by the Campus or Valdosta City Police Department almost caused an accident as I had entered the turning lane with the green light arrow giving me the right away. I was into making my left turn before I saw that Brookwood was blocked off. I barely had time to correct my action and maneuver my car out of the way as I was in the path of oncoming north bound Oak Street traffic and they just received the green light!
    What really blow my mind is that there was a Valdosta City Police car that was at the light going south on Oak and he did not make any effort to assist me! That turning lane should have been blocked for sure!

  2. I really wish that the police would have kept conducting traffic at Oak and Brookwood because there were no lights and luckily everyone was paying attention. They had a few ppl still trying to turn down the blocked off street all because they forgot to block the turning lane. I’m just glad they closed the road before things got bad. I feel they need to start checking old and weak trees in the area to prevent future damage in the future.

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