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SGA presents new constitution to student body

SGA is presenting some of the new constitution to the VSU student body in which students are encouraged to vote for or against the new constitution, which consists of two new committees, today until midnight
Students are encouraged to get involved in what is going on in their Student Government Association by attending the Monday night meetings held at 8 p.m. in Odum Library, and by voicing their opinions in ways such as voting.
This proposal has been discussed in meetings for a few weeks at SGA meetings and now the student body has been given the opportunity to vote.
It is important for students to know what is going on in SGA because it is SGA’s mission to serve the student body.
SGA’s mission statement is presented on the SGA website: “We, the students of Valdosta State University, in order to form a democratic, efficient, and responsible student government; to represent, lead, and unify the student body, to decide and act responsibly for the students’ interest, and to work for and with the Faculty and Administration of the University in pursuit of our mutual interest, do hereby establish the Student Government Association of Valdosta State University and adopt this Constitution.
Potential voters may visit the SGA website to view the old constitution, compare it to the newly proposed constitution, and provide a stance.
The changes include: adding a Student Affairs Committee and a University Affairs Committee, requirements of each voting member of the senate, and the duties of all committees.
“Honestly, I am not sure how I feel about the vote for changes in the Student Constitution because I have never read the current one.  I wish that the announcement about the vote was sent out more than one day before the actual voting took place so that I would have had more time to read the original and the proposed changes and make an informed decision about how to vote,” Chelsey De Jong, Senior English Creative Writing Major, said.
“We are going through the phases of changing the new constitution in order to provide a better foundation,” Micah Hollimon, SGA Senator and Senior History major said.  “It will effect how business is conducted within the senate.”
“The last time the constitution was amended was in Fall 2004, so we are changing in order to provide clarity, structure, and a foundation that will allow SGA to run more congressionally,” Brittany Bellamy, SGA Senator and senior Political Science major said.

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