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Parking problems addressed by SGA

The Student Government Association discussed new transportation policies and elected new Judicial Board Executives during the first SGA meeting of the semester Aug. 23 in the Student Union.
In this meeting, SGA President, DeMario Jones began by introducing himself as well as welcoming everyone back to school followed by SGA vice president, Adrian Gibson, discussing upcoming events occurring this fall, noting “The Happening” and “Senator Retreat Day”. One of the main goals of SGA this year is to host multiple events on campus to alert students of campus improvements due to SGA, as well as promote senator availability.
After discussing events, Jones went on to discuss what committees are needed, and how money will be allocated for said committees. The Judicial Board Election was also held at the meeting. Candidates, Anne Palnau, Jarrett Richcutt, Luke Donahue, and Kyler Dessau discussed what makes them qualified to serve on the Judicial Board. Voting was held amongst the senators and Palnau, Donahue, and Dessau were chosen to be new members of the Judicial Board.
“I am very pleased to have been elected to serve on the Judicial Board.” Dessau said. “In order to maintain peace on campus I plan to administer fair and equal punishment to students who violate the SGA Constitution and bylaws.”
After the Judicial Board elections, Gibson discussed changes made to the Constitution, from election codes and adjustments in power to double spaces, changes to font, and words being capitalized.
As the meeting drew to a close, Jones spoke on extending the hours of Hopper Dining, as well as the opening of the Student Health Center on the weekends. Jones also has put in an order to open “STAFF” parking spots and make them available to students. In addition to parking, SGA is working to expand the shuttle bus route.
“My goal is to get all the people in this room to be on the same page as far as involvement on campus before we can get any policy or anything going.” Jones said. “They are always asking me for ideas. It’s just a matter of students not talking about it amongst themselves, and talking about it to the student leaders that can actually help bring about that change.”

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