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New flex deposit box installation possible

Student Government Association discussed the addition of a new Value Transfer Station machine, placed more stringent GPA requirements on SGA members, and elected three more senators Monday night.

The VTS machine, which allows for cash deposits to Flex accounts, would be placed near the Student Union convenience store. Other ones are in the mail room at Hopper Hall and in Langdale Hall.

Senator Reginald Merritt, who represents the Student Affairs committee, mentioned the devices are cost prohibitive, which explains the limited number of these machines around campus.

“The reason we don’t have more of these around campus is because they are around $9,000 a piece,” Merritt said.

Reception to the idea of a new machine has been positive, both among those that work in the convenience store and those that shop there.

“I think that would be more convenient for any student, just in case their money runs out, that would be more convenient for them to actually use it wherever they have to use it at,” said Xavier Davis, who works at the store. “I would want that because I would need to put more money on my Flex account.”

Davis also said that the new machine would have a positive effect on business at the store.

“You have a lot of service with that being out there,” Davis said.

“I think that would be a lot more helpful,” said Caylee Eason, a psychology major. “The only one I know of is in the mail room, and sometimes I don’t want to put it off my card, I would prefer to cash it, and I think that would be a great idea.

Merritt said that there is no time table for this new machine being added, but did say that it would be added in “the next few weeks.”

There are no additional VTS machines proposed due to cost.

SGA also passed an amendment to their constitution and bylaws which strengthens GPA requirements for Senators and Executive Branch members.

This amendment, which comes into place for the upcoming SGA general election, changes the GPA requirement for Senators from 2.0 to 2.5. For members of the Executive branch, the GPA requirement has been changed from 2.2 to 2.75.

Senator Ryan Baerwalde, who presented the amendment, said that it was brought on as a result of VSU raising GPA requirements.

“The rules committee thought about raising the GPA also for the Senate,” Baerwalde said.

Another amendment that was passed regarded the use of a simple majority for the SGA elections, which will require a 50% majority for a VSU student to be elected without requiring a runoff. If the 50% majority is not reached, then a runoff would happen in approximately ten days from the original election consisting of the top vote getters from that election.

In addition, Clint Gray, Lance Stephens, and John Hanna were elected as senators, bringing the total to eight new senators in the last two weeks.

Stephens wants to improve the look of the campus by cleaning cigarette butts from the sidewalk.

“One thing that really bothers me is that every time when I walk around campus, I see people smoking, and that’s fine, but they always throw them on the ground, and I’d like to do something about that, because that drives me crazy,” Stephens said.

Hanna expressed his desire to help out in the SGA and to help VSU’s reputation.

“I think I have several things I can bring to SGA to make it better, and make people realize that VSU is a better college than people think,” Hanna said.

“In general, like with the rules committee and such, I’ve seen attendance slacking on some nights, and general things like that like talking and texting during the meetings,” Hanna also said, after being asked how he could improve SGA.

SGA meets every Monday at 8 p.m. in the University Center Magnolia Room.

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