Your Georgian vote isn’t important to current GOP candidates Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. At least that’s what they would have you believe.
Today’s CNN debate was cancelled on Feb. 16 because three of the four GOP hopefuls decided that their campaigning would be better suited elsewhere, in advance of Super Tuesday, instead of debating in Georgia. Romney, Paul, and Santorum had decided not to participate in the CNN debate, leaving only Newt Gingrich in attendance. CNN cancelled the debate as a result.
Super Tuesday can set the course for the rest of this see-saw race for the GOP bid. With 10 states, including Georgia, and one territory voting during this large primary event, the number of delegates up for grabs could make or break any of the candidates.
The close call this week in Michigan between Santorum and Romney could be played out on a grander scale when 437 delegates come up for grabs next Tuesday. Romney squeaked by Santorum in his home state of Michigan, pulling ahead by using negative ads.
When Santorum won Colorado and Minnesota on Feb. 7, the trend of an upset started there and the party base’s continued to show dissatisfaction with Romney on Tuesday. The sheer closeness of the Michigan race showed Romney to be vulnerable.
Now that Santorum is starting to give Romney a run for his money, his commentary is starting to show how ill prepared he is for the job of president. Calling Obama a “snob” for wanting to make secondary education more easily available to Americans, Santorum seems to be ignoring that the American dream is still alive and well in the hearts and minds of most Americans.
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Santorum commented that the idea of separation of church and state makes him “want to throw up.” Comments such as that could be harmful to the Santorum campaign.
What would happen if Romney wins the GOP and ultimately the presidential race? Would Santorum like it if Romney were to jettison the separation of church and state and declare Mormonism the new state religion? What about Islam, or any other religious belief?
We were founded on the separation of church and state for a reason, and that would be to keep people like Rick Santorum in check. Unfortunately, Georgians didn’t have the opportunity to question the candidates and call out this type of rhetoric, because remember: they didn’t come to Georgia.