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Stonewalled: Manning loves horses

 All the hype and unnecessary super-stalking by the media ended Monday when Peyton Manning announced that he would be suiting up in the blue and orange of the Denver Broncos starting next season. It only cost them $96 million for a five-year contract with $55 million guaranteed if he can stay healthy through his first year.
So what does this mean for Tim Tebow, the man who rocked the blue and orange motif throughout his college and short professional career so far?

 This move by Broncos executive vice president and former NFL superstar John Elway brought to light a fact that can sometimes be forgotten in professional sports. The NFL is a business, and when you are in the business of winning, it can get a little ugly.

 Elway did the right thing in getting Manning. I mean come on, who wouldn’t want an elite QB like Manning even with a neck injury that saw him in rehab for all of last season, still it was a shady move on Elway’s part when not even two months before the deal was announced he was saying that Tebow would be “the guy” at the beginning of training camp.

 “Tim’s earned the right to be our quarterback going into training camp next year,” Elway said during a press conference on Jan. 19.

 Elway also mentioned that the team would be looking into acquiring other quarterbacks through either the draft or free agency, and with the possibility of Manning being released from the Colts still a factor at the time of the conference, I can only imagine that he had little Mannings dancing in the back of his mind around the Lombardi trophy.

 Same situation happened in San Francisco. Quarterback Alex Smith led the 49ers all the way to NFC championship last season and was told by his coach, Jim Harbaugh, that he would be safe in San Fran and his deal would be renewed, until, of course, the news dropped that a man with a cannon arm and a football IQ equivalent to Einstein became available. Then no one was safe as Harbaugh and the 49ers became one of the front runners in the race for No. 18.

 I guess that is just what happens when a player as prolific as Manning becomes available and your team may have a shot at nabbing him. Someone’s feelings are going to get hurt.

 There is still hope for Tebow, though, as he was just signed to the New York Jets as of Wednesday afternoon. He was traded for a 4th and 6th round draft pick.   Even if he is second string under Mark Sanchez, he should be able to bring a lot of the competitive fire and good spirits to the locker room and sidelines which will help a team that is constantly being scrutinized by critical fans and media outlets.

 I guess all we can do is wait and see how everything plays out with all these big trades going on in the offseason. Peyton has said that he still is working on getting to 100 percent and he better be, because everyone knows he will have a huge target on the back of his neck during that first game in September.

 “I have a lot of work to do,” Manning told the Denver Post on Wednesday. “I’m not where I need to be.”

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