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Too much Ex-husband drama and the Gosselin’s show now has just momma

Pop Addict
By Kristal Jones

While some were a little too excited over the zombies taking over the big screen, others still wanted to be informed with real issues, like who’s breaking up in Hollywood and who was that crazy chick who thought she could get away with that outfit? Because of the zombie infestation last week, we had to put ‘Pop Addict’ on hold, so here’s what you missed.
“Speidi” is back on top in reality TV. “The Hills” made its debut of the new season last week with a whole new star who brings her own bags of drama. This season is going to be one to watch, with Kristin Cavallari as the new narrator and Queen-B, Hollywood’s little circle of angels are sure to feel some heat in every episode… things are going to be much different from how Lauren Conrad left it.
 It’s unbelievable that MTV would replace Lauren with Kristin (again), it already happened once with “Laguna Beach,” isn’t Kristin tired of getting Lauren’s sloppy seconds?
 Speaking of “The Hills” Lauren Conrad’s ex-boyfriend, Jason Wahler is back in jail. 22-year-old Wahler is currently hanging out in a Washington state jail since last week, for charges of assault and minor drinking.  Thank goodness Lauren dumped that loser.
 Moving on to another more famous and talked about celebrity couple, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are rumored to have called it quits.  The buzz on JT is that he has been a bit busy spending time with the lovely singer Rihanna.  I say, keep your fingers crossed ladies! I don’t know about you but it’s about time for Jess and JT to split, I can’t help but to have always been a Justin and Cameron Diaz fan.
 If there’s one thing Hollywood is filled with its rumors. Another huge story that has been taken over by tabloids is the shocking quickie wedding between Khloe Kardashian and LA Laker Lamar Odom. Apparently the whole shindig was scripted and exposed as fake. The event was filmed for the popular “E!” show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” set to air Nov. 8.  Rumor has it that the show’s producer talked to the cast through walkie-talkies from what the bride and groom should say for their vows to how many steps should be walked down the aisle. Being that neither Khloe nor Lamar has signed a prenup or a marriage license, the whole thing is technically not even legal.
 On to a very real and sad story making headlines, this past weekend, Kandi Burruss from the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” suffered the tragic loss of her fiancé, Ashley A.J. Jewell. Jewell, who was 34, died of massive head injuries after getting into a brawl with a man named Fredrick Richardson, outside of a strip club in Atlanta. Richardson was arrested on Monday and is now facing a charge of voluntary manslaughter.
 There’s also another “Real Housewife” in the news. Looks like Danielle Staub from the “Real Housewives of New Jersey” is getting sued by her ex-husband Kevin Maher for slander.  Maher was married to Staub for less than a year in the 1980s, and has documented some “lies” of his then-wife in an expose about Maher’s life called “Cop Without a Badge.” After that Staub went on camera during “Real Housewives of New Jersey” threatening Maher and claiming he did some outrageous and violent things to her during their marriage.
I think they’re both doing this he-said-she-said thing all to stay in the media, they just need to get over it and move on.
 The next big gossip in entertainment news is whether or not “Jon & Kate Plus 8” will go on. Apparently Jon has been fed up with the network TLC, and wants nothing to do with it, because he feels that it has exploited his family. Ironically, TLC is what made him the very famous and semi-wealthy man he is now, which I do believe he enjoys at times.
 Jon has asked for production to stay away from the Gosselin family, so because of this the production of Jon & Kate Plus 8 has been temporarily put on hold until further notice. There’s actually talk of TLC working on a project just for Kate in 2010. I think that would be much more interesting, who needs Jon anyway?
Look out for next week’s “Pop Addict” for another fix of Hollywood gossip!

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