Changes to menus at The Loop was the discussion at the last SGA meeting. Donating to S.A.V.E. was also discussed as they asked for help to conduct a recycling and energy saving competition.
President Cody reported that she had been in contact with the Dining Services committee to discuss the complaints students expressed with The Loop and Starbucks, both located in the Student Union. The Loop’s menu is now expanded to include a 3-piece chicken tender platter for $6.49, Cajun and grilled salmon wrap combos for $8.49, and a brownie sundae for $3.99 as of this past Tuesday. It now costs $1 less to substitute a soup for fries, chips, or steamed broccoli as a side. The Loop will also begin to distribute coupons for free fountain drinks. President Cody also informed the senate that Starbucks will now be able to cater coffee in bulk, serving ten people, for around $12.
Natasha Fast, a representative for S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Environment), also spoke to the senate. Fast presented the organization’s request for SGA to co-sponsor and fund the recycling and energy saving competitions. The organization is requesting $500-700 from SGA. Both competitions, the first from Feb. 26 to March 12 and the second resuming after spring break until April 19, will be held in the residence halls with the purpose of teaching students environmental responsibility. The residence hall to have the most bags of recycled items will win a pizza party or a dessert social. The residence hall to conserve the most energy will win a fajita dinner night. After some discussion, the senate voted and decided to give $500 and cosponsor the events.
Secretary Avraye Henry reminded the senate of Delta Week, which includes Hearts for Haiti, Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Union and on Palms Quad and the Pedestrian Mall. Secretary Henry also reported that to help raise money for the Deltas’ scholarship fund, there will be tickets on sale in advance for a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s this Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m.
Comptroller Morgan Alexander announced to the senate a decision to make brochures for SGA’s Reach for Recruitment event, which will be held Mon. March 1, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Union.
During committee reports, the Recruitment Committee reported that they are beginning an SGA newsletter, which will include sections titled “Senator of the Week” and “Only at Valdosta State,” and also a section dedicated to describing the responsibilities of different SGA committees.
All students are welcome to attend SGA meetings, every Monday at 8 p.m. in Meeting Room 1 of the Student Union.
Tags 2009-2010 2010-02-25 Ariel Felton
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