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Intramural Sports off and running in 2010

The intramural season officially kicked off Aug. 29 with flag football.
A week after flag football’s initial game, two-pitch softball and cricket – which makes its debut as a VSU intramural – start their respective seasons.
Also new to VSU intramurals is the use of completely online sign-ups and scheduling. Students and faculty can sign up at www.imleagues.com.
After registering for an account, joining leagues and individual teams is easily accessible.
“VSU intramural sports are heading in a great direction with online scheduling. It provides convenience and increased communication for both staff and participants. I am very excited for the possibilities this technology offers us,” Mallor Price, Assistant Director of Intramural and Club sports, said.
Joining cricket as the new sport on campus is futsol, a form of indoor soccer, which played at the Rec Center. Different from outdoor soccer, futsol uses smaller goals and a smaller ball.
“It’s exciting to get out there and get back in the swing of things, I have not played in a while so let’s hope I still have some game left in me,” Ross Hegenwald, fourth-year student, said.
Futsol will be available later in the semester. Registration is also currently open for singles tennis, both men and women.
Both flag football and softball feature men’s, women’s, and co-ed leagues with different levels of competition.
At the end of the season, the winners and runners-up of the leagues play in the all-campus tournament for the outright championship.
Both two-pitch softball and flag football will be played on the SRSC fields, located behind Centennial Hall.

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