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SGA discusses HOPE

SGA discussed the HOPE Scholarship, budget updates and proposals; nominated a president pro tempore and voted on the fall and spring break calendars Monday night at the Student Union.

The upcoming Student Advisory Council meeting will be held at Atlanta Metro College on Feb. 4 & 5. The meeting will include all the SGA presidents in the University System of Georgia, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents, and state education officials.

The meeting will discuss the possibility of terminating HOPE scholarships for upcoming and current students.

If passed by the legislators, this decision will have a big impact on students.

“Receiving the HOPE scholarship is a way of saying that students are performing academically, “said Demario Jones, SGA president and senior political science major. “ I know the importance of receiving state funded money and grants judged based off your merit.”

Several of the SGA committee members had concerns regarding the discontinuance of HOPE.

“It worries me for upcoming students,” Johnny Lozano, senior criminal justice major said, “A lot of students have worked so hard toward building a good GPA, so I hope the legislation changes this proposal.”

Some members felt stronger about the pressing issue than others.

“I know Georgia is trying to save money, but for them to cut education for HOPE, is ridiculous,” Paul Rosemond, sophomore business management major, said. “I’m not sure what Georgia has in store for education.”

Others wondered about the effect this decision would have on the economy, families, and jobs.

“It’s essential for students, especially low income families,” Jeron Draine, sophomore nursing major said. “They’re already coming out of their pockets, and not everyone can just take out loans.”

Some members questioned the incentive students would have to stay in Georgia.

“It keeps people in state,” Draine said. “Without HOPE, what’s the point of staying?”

In new business, Paul Rosemond was nominated as president pro tempore, and the dates for and spring break for the next academic year were decided.

SGA hopes to nominate an Elections Commissioner during next Monday’s meeting.

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