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Verizon Gets iPhone4, Rihanna’s into ‘S&M’

What’s up you addicts? How has the “excess” spending been going? I hope somebody at least paid their bills before he or she went to Ink Addiction or a trip to Tallahassee. Shame on you if you didn’t!

It’s Thursday and Friday is right around the corner, so you know I have some juicy news for you all this week!

If you are with Verizon guess what today is? It’s iPhone 4 day! I’m as excited as you all should be because AT&T has some competition now—never mind the others (Sprint, T-mobile, and Metro). My homepage on my laptop is already set for verizonwireless.com.

Speaking of homepages, did anybody see Rhianna’s video S&M? If you didn’t, then get to a computer and YouTube it. Rhi Rhi has no shame in her game and shows it all in her video. Not only is she showing off, but she is also telling the media to “f-off.”

Oh, you have to pay attention to the guy in the video she’s walking like a dog. He is supposed to be Perez Hilton. Take that Perez and standing ovation goes to you, Rhi!

Now in not-so-good-but-juicy news that you get so sick of, but won’t turn your ear away, Disney’s “once upon a time” princess has done it again! Apparently, the time she served previously wasn’t enough because the little powder princess has a new addiction to add to her list of flaws—kleptomaniac.

Lohan is now a jewel thief! To add salt to injury, the little drunk would have gotten away with it if her friend didn’t snitch on her. Our favorite powder head was seen in a store in Venice Beach where she was interested in a one of a kind necklace worth $2,500.  

I really don’t know what to say about Lohan, but get it together because you’re rubbing off on people, like soon-to-be Disney’s light Demi Lovato who stars in “Sonny with a Chance.”

Remember in November, the singer/actress Lovato checked herself in rehab because of “emotional and physical” issues while other gossip sites were reporting the actual reason was because of coke (and not the coke in the bottle). Now, Lovato is supposed to be out of rehab as of last week and Disney still has hopes for their little star.

Isn’t that promising? If only somebody put that same faith in our poor Lohan, where would she be? Not behind bars, that’s for sure.

Guess who has finally gone solo like we predicted in the beginning? None other than throw-them-under-the-bus Dawn Richards from Danity Kane. Homegirl finally did it! She did her homework and followed Beyoncé’s footsteps and got rid of the other girl like Bey did Kelly and Michelle.

Her new single, “Me, Myself &Y,” is out and should be hitting air waves soon because you know Diddy don’t play when it comes down to his favorites. Plus, the girl can sing so we have to give her that. The track is hot and it has that Last Train to Paris sound to it. Diddy and his beats. YouTube it and let us know what you think!

While we are on new hits, let’s give Chris “Mr. Mixtape” Brown a round of applause too. Breezy finally made a decision to drop F.A.M.E. on March 22! Brown’s celebration doesn’t cease there. His single, “Deuces,” is up for a Grammy along with a collaboration he did with R&B singer, Tank, “Take My Time,” and his own album, Graffiti. See how the Man Above works. One moment the dude couldn’t even enter the venue for the MTV awards, and now he is up for three Grammy awards. Jigga Man, we are waiting for your apology to the young solider.

Speaking of the Grammys, who will be watching it on CBS, Feb. 13? I will! This year will be very exciting. If you want to see the full list, visit MTV’s website at http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1653389/2011-grammy-nominations-eminem-leads-pack.jhtml

There is a time when you appreciate being an American no matter how much the economy blows or health care sucks. Looking at Egypt’s situation with their President, Hosni Mubarak, I’m good on vacations in Africa for a while. Mubarak is causing citizens of Egypt a major problem, and they clearly have had enough.

If I was Mubarack, I would get the heck out of dodge like the leader in Tunisia because that mob could get out of hand.

Yet there is good news for the Cannons—Mariah and her man-child husband, Nick, of course. The lovely Cannons announced to the world the gender of their twins, a boy and girl. Well, we know the little girl will surely mirror her mother and let’s hope that the boy doesn’t act anything like his father.

While some parents hope to pass their children some decency, comedian Tracy Morgan’s mom is probably shaking her head at her son’s foolishness. A while ago it was reported that Morgan needed a kidney transplant due to diabetes and a very poor diet plan.

Well, it was reported that ol’boy received his transplant, but the donor was unknown until today, and I can see why he wanted that information to stay low key. His kind-hearted donor was no other than his… (Pause for effect)…his ex-girlfriend. Wow, Tracy, you should be spiritually, mentally, and even physically attached to homegirl! She is too nice because if I gave a kidney and you broke up with me, I’m taking my kidney with me!

So, I saved the best for last. This is so juicy I almost shouted from the mountains when this news hit my ears. Anyway, guess who has a bun in the oven? As Will Ferrell would say in the Other Guys, “which one of my b… hasn’t been wearing jimmies?” (If you haven’t seen that movie yet, you need to Redbox it).         

The MC that literally grew before our eyes, lil’ Bow Weezy, formally known as Bow Wow. Yes people, his supposedly “video vixen/model” girlfriend Joie is pregnant!!! Either homie had a point to prove with all those gay rumors floating around that YouTube favorite or rapper’s worst nightmare Kat Stacks put out there, or Joie caught him by the throat for 18 years.

Go ahead girl, get it how you live. I know we will be seeing a CD from Bow Wow very soon now that he has a responsibility on the way.

Well you guys, this is all I have for you this week! Remember to try to put some of that cash up! Stay addicted and add us on Facebook and Twitter. Deuces!

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