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Flooding needs a fix

 The weather in Valdosta has a mind of its own and anyone who lives here can clearly see that.  One day you walk outside and the sun is shining overhead. You can wear a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and just enjoy a nice warm day. You go sit in your dorm room for a few hours, and when you come out you realize that you cannot even recognize the sky. It is freezing outside and the wind is blowing through your clothes. The light from the sun has dimmed, so it’s gloomy outside and perhaps the worst part about the whole situation—it is raining like crazy.

 Rain is great for the environment, but it can sometimes cause a problem on campus. VSU has always seemed to hold an excess amount of water within its grounds. Flooding appears to be a major issue, especially on weekdays when students have to travel back and forth to classes.  Just think about it. It is pouring down outside, but you have a test to complete in biology. Your teacher could care less about the rain because she drove to the building and had an umbrella.  Unfortunately, you forgot to stop by the Union to pick one up so you have to make your way through hell to get to class.

  VSU develops lakes when it rains hard enough. Students have to deal with water in their shoes and socks, pants that are soaked to the knees, and we all know how disgusting that feels. This would make a student want to stay in their dorm room. In other words, flooding on campus is not going to help our attendance policy. No one wants to come in class drenched in wet clothes and shoes that squeak with every step they take. They also don’t want to smell like the neighborhood dog.
 I feel that more changes can be made in the structure of the campus grounds to prevent bad flooding.  Workers can create more drains in areas with slopes so that water can be forced away from sidewalks and streets. They can also make ridges and barriers to keep water that has already formed from spreading out.  Any minor adjustment would help keep the students a bit more dry. At least this way, we may actually want to go to class.

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