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PopAddict: AMA noms. released, Urkel gets a new gig

Season 4 of Bravo’s hit show, Real Housewives of Atlanta, starts Nov. 6 at 10 p.m.

How’s everyone enjoying homecoming week? I know the rain is threatening to make the week a bust, but don’t let it take your school spirit! A real blazer isn’t scared of a little water!

Let’s jump right in on the celeb gossip, because I have so much to share before the winds take me away!

The AMA, aka American Music Awards, nominees are in, folks, and the list looks like it will finally capture some of America’s attention (especially since it’s my first time hearing about it).

The artists fighting to be Artist of the Year are no other than Mother Monster Gaga, Brit’s finest Adele and “my skinny jeans are skinnier than yours” Weezy Carter—where’s the throne?

Now, something that doesn’t add up to me, (And I swear I’m not hating, I’m questioning, people!) is putting Pitbull in the Pop/Male category, when he’s already in the Latin category.

Speaking of Pop (in my N’Sync voice), there’s a new girl group on the scene brightening up the weekends—or maybe they’re bringing the rain too, who knows?

Brit’s girl group, The Saturdays, has dropped a new video for their new track My Heart Takes Over” from their upcoming album, “On Your Radar.”

Other girls worth mentioning this week are the hell-raising Atlanta Housewives.

And while these girls are in no girl group, they are definitely on our radar. The “Hot-Lanta” ladies will be back on Bravo Nov. 6. And child, let me tell you, NeNe isn’t playing this season!


So let me catch you up real quick, just in case you forgot about the drama because of these other basketball wives. Kim finally has her baby by her dirty bird baller, Kroy Biermann from the NFL Falcons.

I told you about that last time (her spin off show that’s coming soon but, so it seems, not that soon).

Anyway, Kim juggles the newborn and the little girls she already has, all while trying to move in a new house—spending that cash right now! Not only is Kim looking for a house, but she’s still in hot water with Kandi.

I don’t know what the drama is over this time, but Perez Hilton said something about the race of the baby—you know Kandi thinks Kim is a racist—and I suspect that new money has Kandi wanting Kim cut from those two tracks she helped her make.

While Kandi and Kim are still beefing over tracks, NeNe is still raising her own 99 cents worth of hell!

First off, she’s about to sign those papers and give Gregg the boot—like everyone knew was coming!

But ole girl isn’t sad about it at all—of course this is NeNe we’re talking about. Honey is already on the dating scene!

And remember that NFL rookie she’s supposed to be chopping down? Well, the girl makes an appearance on the show this season and NeNe gets all in her face—not saying it’s about him, but I’m willing to find out!

So who remembers Steve Urkel, from the sitcom Family Matters that used to come on back in day? Remember the rumor about him being dead? Then all of a sudden he popped up on the scene, beating his girl and getting arrested—he was about that thug life.

Yep, well he has a new job now and it doesn’t involve a jailhouse or beating on his girl. SyFy has hired him as a game show host on the show, “Total Blackout.” Get the heck out of here!

Back to important people, Rihanna is back with her upcoming album title “Talk that Talk,” and I must say it looks very “raunchy Rih Rih.” I love her though; you can’t help but love her! Her album drops on Nov. 21, and you can definitely expect some freak nasty lyrics

Well, folks, that’s all I have for you guys this week! Tune in next week for the juiciest and the messiest celeb gossip and entertainment news.

Got to go because that rain has started up and you know when it rains, it pours!

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