Operation: code pink.
VSU’s new favorite is pink!
Zeta Tau Alpha will kick off the fifth annual Pink Out this weekend at the VSU vs. Waters football game to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
During the game, VSU players will wear pink accessories with their uniforms.
ZTA’s national philanthropy is for breast cancer education and awareness.
“We’re hosting the game to raise awareness and also to raise funds for early detection and research,” Kailynn Jeffords, a junior nursing major and philanthropy chairman for ZTA, said.
The Pink Out game is just the beginning when it comes to events during the coming month.
On Tuesday, ZTA will host the 15th annual “Big Man on Campus” male beauty pageant which features 14 men from various campus organizations and fraternities.
They help spread awareness for the cause throughout the males on campus.
Events during this month will bring much needed publicity, help raise money for breast cancer victims and survivors and help towards prevention of the disease.
Breast cancer infects nearly one in every eight women in the U.S according to breastcancer.org. In 2011, an estimated 232,520 people were diagnosed with breast cancer and 2,140 of those cases were in men.
Men with breast cancer have a higher death rate than women because of the lack of awareness and of early detection.
“My grandmother died of breast cancer and my mom is an eight- year breast cancer survivor,” Jeffords said. “So personally this cause hits close to home.”
ZTA is hoping to reach a large crowd of Blazer fans in order to make the event and game a success to stop breast cancer in its tracks in the Valdosta community as well as nationally.
Jeffords also explained that with breast cancer diagnosis being so high in women, nearly every girl in ZTA has a family member affected or diagnosed with the disease.
Co-chairmen for “Big Man on Campus” Beka Coyle and Blythe Morgan are excited for this year’s event to commence.
In addition to the football game and beauty pageant, the ZTA’s plan to “Paint the Campus Pink” by putting pink ribbons and yard signs all over VSU.
The girls will also have philanthropy tables on campus every week in October between West and Nevins Halls to provide information on breast cancer awareness and prevention.