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VSU Wi-Fi gets an upgrade

Written by: Brian Hickey


Imagine logging into the Wi-Fi once and not needing to again.

At the beginning of fall semester, VSU presented its new Wi-Fi network powered by SmartPass Connect which gives the option to login only once to the Wi-Fi with each registered device.

This is a big change from past Wi-Fi usage as students were required to login to the old Wi-Fi carrier (Hallnet) every time they wanted to use it.

The old network was also limited to one device and was a hassle for students who wanted to login on their cellular devices as well as their laptops.

Students seem impressed with the upgrade.

“I’m really glad that IT got the Wi-Fi together,” Taylor Scott Ratliff, junior marketing major, said. “Everything is faster—sign in one time and let that be it. It’s very innovative.”

Commuters have also found it very convenient as they no longer have to worry about constantly having to sign in, even after traveling between home and campus.

“I think it is a very good change,” Cassandra Hines, senior interior design major, said. “With the large amount of people on campus, service has been very slow in the past and I think with these changes, those of us who have to come to campus will greatly benefit from this.”

“It will no longer be a hassle for commuters to have to worry about signing on because it will do itself,” Hines said.

Before connecting to the “VSU-Personal” network students have to start with the “VSU-StartHere” network where a profile will be created on the device.

“Each login lasts 180 days,” said Russell Reese, lead technician at the IT helpdesk. “[S]o every semester you re-login so if you are not going to school it [wipes off].”

“I’m pretty sure VSU is following bigger universities plans,” said Ratliff. “Whatever works, works, go for it. If it works for them why not use it here?”

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