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SGA gets a visit from McKinney

by Joe Adgie


VSU president Dr. William McKinney spoke to the SGA on a night where four justice nominees were announced and committees were formed.

Dr. McKinney and first lady Dacia Charlesworth stayed at Monday night’s meeting for only a brief time but gave an inspirational speech for those in attendance during that short time.

“I need you all to know that you provide such an energy to this campus,” Dr. McKinney said. “It’s a wonderful life that you have in the academic world. The beginning of school brings a new energy, it brings new ideas, it brings a new SGA administration, with whom I am looking forward to working very much.

“You go through that school year, you’re racing and racing and you finally get to May and commencement and everybody’s ready for a break. And you do what you do over the summer, and then July rolls around, and things get way too quiet around here. Well, it’s not quiet anymore, and it’s because you brought all the energy back,” Dr. McKinney said.

Dr. McKinney also said that all the university needs is the students on campus, and without the students, nobody—least of all him—would be able to do what they do.

Not long after their departures, four justice hopefuls were introduced by Tullis Beasley, SGA chief justice.

“These past two weeks we’ve been doing interviews for four of the spots on the judicial council, which is the third branch of SGA,” Beasley said.

Beasley noted that he, SGA president Will Jimerson, assistant dean Sherolyn Hopkins and an unnamed justice interviewed ten hopefuls for these four slots.

The nominees were Mary Bausch, Adrienne Fry, Chelsey McNeil, and Lance Stephens.

Various committees were also filled up during the meeting.

Edgar James has been named the new chair of the judiciary committee, while Valencia Warren is the new PR chair, Jamaica Hill is the new Parking and Transportation chair, Ololade Fagbohun is the new Health Services chair and Tamelonie Thomas is the new Student Affairs chair.

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