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D&T Personal Training strives for a healthier university

Written by: Olivia Gear


Although bathing suit season is coming to an end, it’s never too late to work toward a beach body. For people seeking one-on-one assistance in and out of the gym, D&T Personal Training may be just what they’re looking for.

Founded by Terence Boyd, former VSU fitness consultant, and Dezmon Gray, D&T Personal Training is a personal fitness service that offers online fitness programs, individual fitness programs, group sessions and boot camps.

Both trainers are former VSU athletes and have been training VSU students since August 2012. Their first business venture was “Sorority Boot camp” which had over 100 participants.

“The health benefits of proper exercise are endless,” Boyd said. “It will increase brain function, boost energy levels, lower overall blood pressure, regulate weight control and it has an amazing effect on the loss of unwanted body fat.”

A typical workout from the training duo typically includes a dynamic warm up, a diverse high-intensity interval training workout and a proper cool-down with static stretching. Their individual training is geared towards clients who have very specific goals.

D&T Personal Training not only accommodates to students’ schedules, but also offers student-affordable prices with sessions ranging from $20 to $60 per week.

“It is very important for everyone to work out,” Boyd said. “Exercise and nutrition are both beneficial to your overall results. Students should definitely exercise 3 to 4 times per week.”

“If you are not able to make it to the gym, you should still try to eat correctly,” Boyd said. “An hour in the gym only comprises up to 4 percent of your total day.”

For more information about D&T Personal Training students can email the company at D_TPersonaltraining@yahoo.com

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