Written by: Chris Kessler
There’s one week left to see what pieces displayed in VSU’s Fine Arts Gallery will bring in the money.
Matt Mitros, from Tuscaloosa, Ala., won $450 and first place in the Valdosta National 2014 All-Media Juried Competition for his sculpture titled “Copper Cloud Picnic.”
In its 26th year, the competition had over 160 entries submitted by over 60 artists. The pieces vary from photography, ceramics, oil and acrylic paintings, mixed media, graphite and colored pencil drawings and sculptures.
Eighteen different states are represented this year. According to Bowland, the majority of the competitors are professors or professional artists.
Carolyn Henne, juror and chair of the Florida State University Department of Art, chose 59 of the 160 entries to compete for first, second, third and fourth places, as well as honorable mentions.
Henne was selected to be this year’s juror by Julie Bowland, VSU art professor and Fine Arts Gallery director.
“We bring in someone different every year, someone who is well qualified,” Bowland said. “They look at all the images that are submitted and they make the initial selections that way.”
The exhibit is open in the Fine Arts Gallery until Feb. 8.