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Students debate immigration reform

Written by: Jordan Hill & Stephen Cavallaro


John Boehner and the Republicans of the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing for immigration reform.

In the new bill, immigrants will have to “pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits).”

Criminals, gang members and sex offenders will not be eligible for this program.

This bill helps immigrants become citizens by passing tests and proving financial stability. By the time these immigrants reach citizenship, they may actually be better Americans than some citizens.

If these immigrants want to be a functioning citizen of the great U.S.A., they should be able to support themselves financially and show that they have the knowledge to function in our society.

One concern is children brought to the U.S. illegally. The House Republican leaders recommend offering citizenship “for those who meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degree.”

This is a win-win: keep the bad people out, let the good people stay.

This bill proposes tightening up on border security and makes sure immigrants obey the laws while becoming a U.S. citizen. The laws are set for a reason and it’s time the government starts enforcing them.

But Boehner says the reform can’t move forward until President Obama gets on board, and that has caused a lull in the process of passing this bill.  

“I have made clear for 15 months the need for the Congress and the Administration to work together on the issue of immigration reform,” Boehner said. “It needs to get done. I’m going to continue to talk to my members about how to move forward, but the president is going to have to do his part as well.”

Get it together Obama. Let’s get this immigration reform bill moving forward like it needs to.

It’s time to enforce the laws that we have in place. Keep the criminals out of the U.S., and let the deserving immigrants become citizens.


People across the globe deserve the right to liberty and freedom.

 What better place to indulge in civil liberties and economic freedom than the United States, a nation founded on the congregation of peoples from various nationalities seeking justice and opportunity?

 If anyone embraces immigration, it is our diverse fellow citizens. A Gallup poll conducted last summer concluded that 72 percent of Americans view immigration as a good thing. 

 Why shouldn’t Americans embrace immigrants? Hundreds of thousands of jobs that target immigrants from all over are created each year, and the number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, is rapidly growing.

These individuals act as the backbone of our workforce, carrying out jobs that modern Americans are turning away from.

 Contemporary immigration reform calls for all Americans to be issued national ID cards, and tougher border control. Yet, increasing the government’s presence over the population is not a rational approach and instead infringes upon our own individual rights.

 The government is increasingly asserting itself onto the people at every chance, and immigration is definitely another scapegoat.

 The solution? Simply decrease the restriction on foreign people attempting to move into our nation’s borders legally and grant amnesty to hard working immigrants who, while illegal, have a history of being productive members of society−an idea supported by 87 percent of Americans, according to Gallup.

 In addition, measures must be taken to ensure people are passing into the nation in order to bask in American ideals rather than monetary incentives. By abolishing the welfare state, federal mandates on states and the birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, newcomers will come to our country for the right reasons, seeking not only financial benefits but also individual freedom.   

 Today, the constitution may be widely debated, but the Declaration of Independence remains undisputable. All peoples are entitled to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

 So why should we allow our laws to protect anything less?

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