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Faculty Senate calls for emergency special session

Jordan Barela

Spring cleaning is coming early for faculty senate.

After no decision was reached about how to react to allegations made against top VSU administrators at the Feb. 19 faculty senate meeting, a special session of the faculty senate will be held today at 3:30 p.m.

A proposal of a no confidence vote was brought on by an anonymous document proportedly sent by 15 professors to senators.

The document lists numerous alleged discrepancies, accusing President William McKinney and his top deputies of poor leadership.

Faculty senate President Michael Noll sent out an email titled “Spring Cleaning” to the senate, discussing the reasoning for the special session.

“I would like to ask all of you to help me with this by sharing your feedback in regards to ‘things’ that need to change at VSU by providing me with concrete examples,” Noll said in the email.

According to Noll, the purpose of this session is to receive as much feedback as possible from the VSU community regarding this issue.

Noll also sent a list of guidelines for the session. These guidelines include sharing information that is accurate, and open discussion on any issue with precise descriptions for solutions, among others.

The session is open, excluding senior level administrators. The meeting will be held in Ballroom A of the Student Union.

The outcome of the session, once all the information is collected on the issue, will be presented in the March 19 faculty senate meeting.

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