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Comedian uses ASL to get laughs

Written by Jyrell Wynn, Staff Writer

On April 3, comedian Wink will present his comedy act from 7-9 p.m. in the Student Union Theatre.

Windell Smith Jr. (aka Wink) travels across the United States to sponsor American Sign Language and Deaf rights through his comedy shows.

Wink describes his experience of living in a deaf household and how his parents raised him to appreciate American Sign Language and deaf culture.

He shares his memories of humor and unpredictable situations with his mother and father.

Audiences will experience happiness to sadness as they connect with the struggles of Wink as he matures into adulthood.

The show offers an inside view of the deaf community, and depicts how children with normal hearing interact in deaf families.

The show will be presented in American Sign Language, but there will interpreters for those attendees who cannot understand ASL.

The event begins at 7 p.m., but the doors will open at 6 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased at the door. General admission for the show is $10, but VSU students pay no fee to attend.

If you want to hold your spot, you can email kmspell@valdosta.edu to reserve your seats now.


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