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Chris Hellams (left) and David Burdette (right), presidential candidates, address SGA during a debate April 15 in the Psychology Building. The candidates discussed their platforms and their visions as potential presidents for SGA.

SGA presidential candidates face off in debate

Written by: Jamel Shorter, Staff Writer

For the past week, the campus has been plastered with street signs, posters and yard signs advertising various candidates for the SGA elections, and on April 15 the candidates went head-to-head in a heated, two-hour debate in an attempt to win over students right before the SGA elections.

Elections take place April 16-17, and students can vote through Campus Connect.

The debate, which took place in the Psychology Building, featured the student body sharing their concerns and the presidential and vice-presidential candidates giving their visions for making VSU better.

The format for the debate was standard. Each debate started with a four-minute opening statement, followed by four questions; each candidate had the opportunity to respond for two minutes, then a two-minute cross-examination followed, and a one-minute rebuttal came after that.

Then, each candidate received the opportunity to ask an opposing question, followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer portion featuring the audience. The debate ended with a three-minute closing statement from each side.

The candidates made it obvious that the student body would take priority in all decisions they would make if elected.

There are two campaigns that have dominated the election for SGA’s executive board. “The Golden Ticket” features David Burdette for president, Colleen Kavanaugh for vice president and Jarius Leavy for secretary. The other ticket, “A Force for Change,” features Christopher Hellams for president, Matthew Cowan for vice president and Sequoia Kirby for comptroller.

The Golden Ticket has the platform of “Innovation, Operation and Elevation,” and the slogan of “Envision the Future by the Power of the Past.”

Kennedi Thompson, sophomore exercise physiology major, is a fan of Burdette’s campaign.

“I believe David Burdette will win president because I like what his platform is based on, and I also see that he is a real people person,” Thompson said.

The platform for A Force for Change is “Community, Security and Blazer Pride,” and their slogan is “F.O.R.C.E: Fostering Opportunities Relationships Change and Equality.

At the debate, Hellams shared his ideas regarding campus security.

“If we make students feel safe at VSU and make them feel like they are apart of the community…it will be a better place for everyone,” Hellams said.



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One comment

  1. Hey I’m running for SGA Comptroller. Out of all of the SGA Executive Candidates that are running my name was the only one not mentioned in the Spectator. I did not run on a ticket, but that doesn’t mean my campaign and my commitment to continue my work for the student body is not equally as important as though candidates mentioned.

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