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Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Remembering VSU student Vicki Sanders

Writen by Jyrell Wynn, Staff Writer

On April 10, VSU student Vicki Sanders passed away, nine days before her 47th birthday.

In an email sent on April 16, VSU President William McKinney announced Sanders’ death to the VSU community.

Sanders, a junior speech communications major, was a full-time student, activist and parent all at once during her time at VSU.

Sanders was politically active in issues such as women’s rights and domestic violence. She was a contributing member of Habitat for Humanity, Valdosta Women Voices and Valdosta Federation of Democratic Women.

Sanders was a single mother with a daughter attending VSU and a son living in New Jersey.

Though she had children to support, she still took fifteen credit hours and worked three jobs to provide for her family.

Her appreciation among VSU teachers and students shows as they spoke of their friend.

Franchesca Griffin, senior speech communications major, said Sanders was an encouraging and intelligent person. Sanders was sickly and had health problems, but she had an inner glow, Griffin said.

Liz Dalton, senior speech communications major, saw her as a mother figure for all the students.

Dalton said Sanders would offer her house for studying and offer food for the small communications group. They could go to Sanders for anything, and she would go out of her way for anybody, Dalton said.

Linda Jurczak, assistant professor of speech communications, remembered her through the details that made her special.

She was amazing and wonderful, Jurczak said. She would ask tough questions and mentor the younger students, and her laugh is unforgettable, Jurczak said.

A celebration of Sanders’ life was held April 14 in Delmar, Georgia.

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