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Editorial: We are proud to be at VSU (finally)

Congratulations VSU, you’re finally swimming in the deep end.

Kudos to VSU for securing a performance from 2 Chainz on April 15. For years it has felt as though our school was a step behind the UGAs and Georgia Techs of the world, but perhaps that is changing.

This semester will have brought a hip-hop superstar and a presidential frontrunner to our campus. Regardless of your feelings on Donald Trump and his visit, he undoubtedly had an enormous ripple effect in the community.

They do say that any publicity is good publicity, right?

The high profile visits are not the only step we’ve taken this spring. The graduation situation transformed into quite the escapade, but left standing was a reasonable solution. The condensed, outside ceremony will resemble Division One formats.

For much of our collegiate careers, we’ve been on the short end of the stick in comparison to our peers in Athens, Atlanta and even Statesboro. President Cecil Staton and the university deserve credit for taking a significant step in the right direction.

The VSU brand should only crescendo from here.

This school is transforming into more than a blip on the football radar. We cannot stop here.

In the 2016-17 school year, we at The Spectator would like to see administration continue its current efforts of putting VSU on the map. Let’s see another pair or trio of celebrities drop by the Azalea City. Not local big shots, but the 2 Chainz’s and Trumps of the world.

That goes quadruple for a graduation speaker. Bring us someone that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Let’s add an entirely new dynamic layer to this school. We among the top universities in the state. It’s time to act like it.

Our request for VSU is simple: Don’t aim for singles or doubles; hit a grand slam.

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