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Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Q&A with College Republicans President Joel Pollack

The transcript of the interview with Joel Pollack

Interview by Ladaezjah Warrens, Staff Writer 

1. To start off simply, how do you feel about the new president-elect in general? Do you support him, are you glad he won, do you believe in the things he stands for, etc?

a. JLP: I am content and optimistic with Mr. Trump’s victory. Throughout the campaign, I was concerned with his demeanor, and finally, I accepted him as our party’s nominee because I thought of what was best for average Americans. Hard working Americans cannot suffer any more over-regulation, higher taxes, and more government intervention. I think Americans were genuinely tired of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Machine, and relatives becoming President (Adams’, Bushes), and Americans are leaning to the trend of pollical outsiders, like Georgia Senator David Perdue, or Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump ran a very different campaign, however, if you talk to the man, like I got to last year, he really cares about America and its willingness to prosper. While he and I might disagree on the methodology to his policies, we both agree on the basic principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and I believe with the right people in power, Mr. Trump will create a government that works for the people, built by the people. If you read the Preamble to the Constitution, Mr. Trump, Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell will do all the outlined goals over the next few years.

2. Recently, there has been an uproar about Trump’s actions on Twitter, did this make you feel differently about your representative? How do you feel about the negative reaction he has been getting from the public and the negative media that has been spread abut him

and his campaign? Do you think the way he ran his campaign was for the sake of publicity?

a. JLP: In the age of technology, social media is a blessing and a curse. I follow Mr. Trump on Twitter (my Twitter handle is @RealJoelPollack), and I think that most of his tweets are good and with good intentions, and other thoughts should not be read by the public. When he comes into office on January 20th, I hope that President Trump will use his time much less on Twitter, and more time focus of rebuilding and repairing the country. After all, it took six years for White House Communications to let President Obama use Twitter. As far as media goes, I believe in the 1st Amendment, and thus the freedom of the press, and I believe that we cannot control the actions of others. Media, whether we like it or not, needs to show respect, and vice versa, the interviewee, focus, or whatever, needs to respect the media. I’ve had my name written badly before, but I just brush it off. As the old saying goes, “there is no such thing as bad publicity,” but I like to add, all we ever need is respect between the media. In summary, Oscar Wilde expressed, “the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

3. The biggest question I have is, how do you think this will effect VSU students, if at all? College campuses are breeding grounds for diversity and Trump and Pence’s campaign has attacked a lot of sub-groups, such as the LGBTQ community, Hispanics, and other groups. Do students have anything to fear?

a. JLP: Honestly, I think our students should have nothing to fear, especially not at the federal level. I think our students are some of the boldest, most outgoing, intelligent, and hardworking individuals anyone has ever seen. I do not see any

concern for any of our students. I believe our university administration and the state government have more interest in our university than the federal government. Our community is represented by some of the best Georgians in both the state government, and in Congress. Mr. Trump and our representatives want a safe, strong, and secured United States. They are putting hardworking, taxpaying Americans first. I recommend everyone get to know our President Trump. Turn off the TV, close Twitter & Facebook, and pick up a book Trump wrote. Mr. Trump is not an evil man, but he is a man who believes in America. One quote that sticks out to me is “The new dawn of America has just begun,” and I promise you, the change you are looking for will be positive with the right people in charge.

4. Out of curiosity, I also wanted to see if you believed the speculation about Trump’s relationship to Russia? Do you think there is any truth to it or do you think it had anything to do with the election? (JOEL: OFF THE RECORD, DOES NOT GET PUBLISHED)

a. JLP: I think that Mr. Trump will put Russia in its place. I think there will not be another Cold War, but a long talk between Putin and Trump, where Trump will support and defend America’s interests, and keep Russia out of our way. Essentially, Mr. Trump will say to Putin, “Join us or die.” As to the election, which was solidified on December 3rd, 2016, Mr. Trump played the same game (along with Hillary Clinton). Mr. Trump won the support of at least 300 members of the electoral college. I think Americans were genuinely tired of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Machine, and relatives becoming President (Adams’, Bushes),

and Americans are leaning to the trend of pollical outsiders, like Georgia Senator David Perdue, or Mr. Trump. <I realize this sentence is written twice, but it makes sense in both places.>

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