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Photo taken from the response video posted on VSU's Instagram.

Student’s ’20 questions’ goes viral

Written by Alex Dunn, Staff Writer

Briana Parrish, a student at Valdosta State University, recently posted a list of questions about VSU to the university’s branch of The Odyssey Online that skyrocketed to viral video status, prompting VSU to respond.

Parrish posted her questions on Jan. 23 titled “All the Unanswered and Somewhat Unimportant Questions VSU has Left Us with.” VSU responded about a week later with a video on their Instagram page.

Since Instagram only allows a certain time limit to their videos, VSU only got to answer a few select questions. The video features Blaze and other VSU members acting out and responding to Parrish’s original post.

Parrish asked questions that were pointed towards classic problems students encounter on campus. For example, she said “Why do the card reader machines at the gym hate humans? No matter how many times I go to swipe my card, that pesky little light always blinks red.”

Parrish also asked questions wondering about certain features of the school, like how the front lawn always is so green, and what exactly is Blazer the mascot?”

“What exactly is a Blazer?? I mean, I know our mascot is a man made of fire, but I’m still confused on this one,” said Parrish.

These and other questions were among the select few that were answered by VSU, creating equally entertaining responses to her questions.

Parrish said that she was just having fun when she wrote her questions, and wanted to give others a sneak peek at what she sees everyday on campus.

Parrish also said her inspiration for posting these questions was basically how underrated she thinks the school is. She suspects that since VSU is located in the South, it is often overlooked, though it is a great and beautiful campus.

“We have a beautiful school that I’m proud to call home,” said Parrish.

According to her, she was surprised and happy when VSU emailed her asking her permission to use her article.

“It was super fun to write, I’m just glad it was just as fun to read,” said Parrish.

Will VSU respond to more of Parrish’s questions in the future? Only time will tell. For more information visit The Odyssey Online to see the full 20 questions that Parrish posted.

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