Registration for spring semester is coming sooner than students can imagine. Aside from all of the core classes required at VSU, there are several unusual and intriguing classes every student needs to fit into their schedule.
Here are just a few classes that may appeal to different students:
Development of rock and roll, PERS 2360
If you have a deep appreciation for music and would like to get more educated on what you listen to in your day-to-day life, this class is a must. Development of rock and roll is an online perspectives class exploring the historic and stylistic periods of rock n’ roll and the impact it has had on regional, national and international cultures.
“This course’s purpose is to give a small insight into the stories that molded rock n’ roll based on world and music history,” Laurel S Yu, doctor of music, said.
If students think they won’t have time to complete an online class on top of everything else, this is where they are wrong; Yu allows students to complete this course at their own pace. As long as everything is finished by the end of the semester, consider yourself one step closer to a diploma.
Music in film, PERS 2390
Films are a major component of a college student’s life. When it comes to winding down from the stress of classes, movies are everyone’s go to. Because students value movies so much, taking this class would give them a deeper appreciation for the music behind the beloved films we know today. This course gives students an insight into the importance and influence of music in films from different cultures. Music in film 2390 portrays music from every region of the world. This course would be critical for music lovers to take or anyone who wants to discover how much music is really out there.
Stellar and galactic astronomy, 1020K
Astronomy 1020K is one of three introductory astronomy classes offered at VSU. This course covers many of the same topics as astronomy 1000 (introduction to the universe) which include the history of astronomy, background physics, observational techniques and the planets and moons within the solar system. Aside from astronomy 1000, this course particularly deals with the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies and the universe as a whole. Students who would like to major in astronomy and have a knack for solving mathematical equations need to sign up for this class.
“Most find astronomy 1020K to be fairly challenging, but student evaluations suggest that most enjoy the experience,” Kenneth Rumstay, professor of physics and astronomy, said. “A couple of my former students even said that it was in this course that they realized that algebra actually has some practical value.”
Dendrology 3610
Calling all nature lovers. Dendrology 3610 is a class all about the study of trees. This is a prerequisite class for the completion of core area “D” for biology majors. This course emphasizes different species of the southeastern United States and North America. Also, according to VSU’s course description, this course may require field trips so that students can get a hands-on experience. Students who would like to discover more aspects of biology that VSU has to offer would be very interested in this course.
“I found the class extremely interesting,” Jasmine Change, a senior biology major, said. “Dendrology was definitely one of those sides of biology I personally love. I love the environmental side of biology. I would recommend this class if you want to know more sides of biology, have an interest in plants and nature or just simply want to have a class that you will never forget.”
For more information, students can go to the VSU website or email the professors of these courses. All of these courses and more are listed on banner under classes to add. Joining these classes that appeal to certain interests will help students gain a better college experience and make friendships that will last a lifetime.
Story and Photo by Callie Pirkle, Staff Writer.