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CORE issues survey for National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month in September brings awareness to substance abuse disorders and celebrates those who’ve reached recovery. In honor of the special occasion, the Core Institute of Southern Illionois University is conducting their biennial alcohol and drug survey.

This survey finds the general consensus among the substance use/abuse group on college colleges such as VSU. All participation is voluntary and confidential.

“One consistent finding from the survey is that students’ perception of substance use is greater than the actual use,” Mark Williams, assistant director of the alcohol and drug program, said.

Williams said some students may over consume alcohol or abuse substances in order to fit in. He wants to use facts in order to dispel that message.

Completed surveys are sent to the Core Institute in Carbondale, Illinois for tabulation. Once finished, a summary is sent to VSU with information regarding the scope of use, attitudes regarding use and consequences of use.

“We are looking for trends and areas of concern,” Williams said. “However, areas of focus will be binge drinking prevalence, under-age consumption and illegal drug use,”

All students are encouraged to take this survey, so VSU can have accurate information of the substance use and abuse around campus.

“The Addicted Brain” by Fran Smith

Students can also reference National Geographic Magazine’s September cover story, “The Addicted Brain,” which gives more information on the science of addiction. Scientists are shown learning more about the cravings people may have for drugs that lead to addiction. They also test for ways to stop this craving.

“Scientists are challenging the view that addiction is a moral failing and researching treatments that could offer an exit,” Fran Smith, author of “The Addicted Brain,” said.

Smith said scientists are learning more about addiction in order to stop the cycle of desire, bingeing and withdrawal that trap millions each year.

The article also compiles a list of addiction help and recovery resources located in the magazine.

Becoming aware of the harmful, life-threatening side effects of addiction is something every student should make an effort to do.

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