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Students express anger towards new refund plan

Dr. Vincent Miller, vice president of student affairs released an updated statement regarding student refunds for the spring 2020 term.

According to the email, service fee refunds will be issued by April 10.

The refund plan that was developed by the University System of Georgia will include $26 worth of student fees as well as 44% of housing fees, 100% of graduation fees and any remaining flex and dining dollars students may have left over from the semester.

Some students are not happy about how VSU decided to handle refunds.

Rebeca Fabian, senior biology pre-med student, said that her and her parents are upset because of how much money they’ve invested into VSU.

“I am a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient who has to pay out of state tuition even though I live in the state of Georgia,” she said. “My parents paid over $10,867 for this semester. $267 for the items they are going to ‘refund’ us for. A total of which we are only getting back $26.”

Kyle Hogan, a senior public relations major, said that he believes the refund plan was used to shut students up about their concerns.

“Twenty-six dollars doesn’t equate to even 10% of the amount of money students have and are giving VSU even in spite of this epidemic,” Hogan said. “The refunds themselves only benefit students who live on campus and have a meal pan. What about a refund on my transportation fee or the health fee which I can’t use since the school is closed?”

Kevina Brantley, senior business administrations major, said that a petition should be made to fight for a larger amount of refunds instead of fighting to get A’s in all classes for the spring semester.

“I feel like VSU needs to give back way more than what they are trying to give us. We pay for all these campus services and are only getting $26,” she said. “This is a very rough time for everyone so I feel like the least they can do is try to make it(refunds) a little better.”

Although most students are frustrated with the amount of money they will be refunded, some students are understanding of the decision USG made.

Janiya Jackson, freshman psychology major, said that the amount of the refund isn’t satisfying, but she knows that the best decision was made considering how many students attend VSU.

“I have ambivalent feelings about the refunds. For one I don’t know the exact amount I will be receiving but I do think 44% of housing and dining is reasonable,” Jackson said. “Most students including myself don’t use some of those extra resources that we pay for, so I think $26 is not enough. On the contrary, there are thousands of students who attend VSU and I know that it is difficult to satisfy everyone and their wants.”

Dr. George Wilson, assistant professor of accounting, said that the administration has done their best to make the best decision for students and the university during this hard time.

“Auxiliary operations, like housing and dining, are usually profitable for universities. So, the loss of those dollars means our administration is going to have to be disciplined and creative to close any financial gaps that are created.”  he said. “We are fortunate that the Blazer community seems united with our leadership in the effort to keep Valdosta State moving forward as smoothly as possible.”

The Spectator has contacted the Office of Student Affairs for further comment.

Written by Lenah Allen, Campus Life Editor. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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