The Rec at VSU has opened back up for students, but there have been several new guidelines and policies implemented thanks to Covid-19.

First things first – if you have a temperature, don’t come to the Rec until after it’s been gone for 24 hours. Your temperature will be taken upon entering the building. The Rec also requires that a mask is worn at all times, even during your workout (though you may want to wash it afterwards ). The only exception is when you get in the pool.

In order to ensure social distancing, the facility has arrows and signs posted all over the building, so keep your eye out. Help out the staff by wiping down your equipment after each use. Remember, the Rec is closed 10 -11 a.m. and 4 -5 p.m. for sanitizing.

. The facility has shut down their water fountains, so make sure you come with your water bottle filled up.

Lauren Brewer, a junior VSU student, said the hardest part of working out was following the new guidelines.

“I do a lot of cardio, so wearing a mask is pretty difficult,” Brewer said. “I have a really busy schedule that makes wearing a mask hard already, so I have to take a lot of breaks in between and make sure that I’m hydrated.”

If you’re planning on working out at the Rec anytime during the COVID pandemic, Brewer offers students advice:

“Wearing a cloth mask makes it difficult, so you really have to make sure you’re comfortable and know what you’re used to when working out.” she said “because of the social distancing and staying 6 feet apart, there is less equipment, so you might have to wait a little bit for your workout.”

Written by Jonnie Brewer ,Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Bethany Davis, Graphic Designer.

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