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Editorial: No, you should not get COVID-19 on purpose

COVID-19 made its debut almost two years ago, and there are still people who wonder if purposely trying to get infected to become immune is a good idea.

In simple terms: no. This is incredibly dangerous to yourself and others.

While those around you may not have gotten severe symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19, there is no guarantee that your symptoms will be mild.

This virus affects everyone differently, and it’s best to try not to get it—just like most people wouldn’t try to get influenza or the seasonal cold.

I mean, think of the flu. It’s truly not ideal or an enjoyable illness to deal with. Chills, fever and body aches—you really want that? Not to mention the more long-term issues such as brain fog and fatigue.

It’s also not guaranteed that you will be immune to COVID-19 after catching it. Breakthrough cases are possible even in those who are vaccinated, especially with the multiple variants of the virus.

According to Statista, COVID-19 related deaths are at a rate of 301 per 100,000 people in Georgia. It is not worth the risk to purposely infect yourself the virus for the return of an unpromising immunity.

It’s most certainly not worth the risk just to get out of work or school.

Purposely getting the virus and allowing yourself to become extremely ill to the point of hospitalization could take up space for those who were cautious.

Additionally, because it takes up to 14 days for symptoms to start, it’s quite possible to give someone else COVID that could have an underlying disease that could intensify their symptoms leading to extreme illness or even death.

They could also be someone’s caretaker. Maybe none of the above. They simply could not be trying to risk their health like you are.

If you’re really adamant about getting immunity, why not just get . . . vaccinated?

The fact that there are many people purposely trying to catch the virus and then live as normal  gives society even more of a reason to protect themselves and get vaccinated.

You should also take additional steps to protect your health and others: wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance and inform others when you are experiencing symptoms.

This editorial reflects the general opinion of The Spectator staff.

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