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Editorial: Keep the flame burning, Blazers

Many students have already noticed that this semester feels a bit … different than usual. Maybe even the past few semesters, really. 

Students seem to be suffering from mental burnout, whether that be from having senioritis, going to school while being a parent, having to juggle jobs, or all three. It is a constant fight to keep up with life while trying to keep up with the next assignment due for classes. 

Though life may be a bit overwhelming no matter the obstacles, it is OK to not have a perfect college career no matter what classification you are. 

It appears the new semester doesn’t feel like a “new semester” to students but rather a continuation of the hardships that they had to endure from last fall semester. 

Maybe four weeks for a fall break was too much for students. Getting to go home and be with friends and family with no scholastic obligations may be hard to get away from. Students may not be able to “turn off” relaxation mode and get their motivation back. 

Online classes don’t seem real to students and working at your own pace can be dangerous for some in terms of being timely. 

If keeping up with assignments, keeping in touch with friends and family while also trying to keep a healthy sleep schedule was a problem for students a few months ago, it’s best to target that issue and tackle it before they get too deep in the water. 

Getting overwhelmed with classes and assignments can lead to stress and can escalate quickly from there. 

Stress is directly linked to burnout, so staying on top of assignments and keeping in touch with your professors will help you with this. Many professors are understanding (aside from select few) about workload and the amount of time students possess in a day. 

Set your priorities straight. Do what is important or most urgent first and work from that point. 

It’s okay to decline hanging out with friends when you have something due soon that your grade relies on. Although it is pretty early in the semester, it’s best not to let it have a snowball effect. 

Take breaks that don’t involve losing the big picture. It’s good to reward yourself for hard work, but don’t get so involved in the reward that you forget why you got it. 

When the going gets tough, there is always help. Remember it is OK to reach out to peers, seek professional help or see tutors for help with classes and assignments. 

Students can contact the VSU Health Service by calling 229-333-5886 or booking an appointment with the Academic Support Center by calling 229-333-7570, emailing asc@valdosta.edu with the tutor’s name, subject/course, and time or visiting in-person at the ASC Front Desk (2nd Floor of Odum Library). 

All of this is just to say listen to your body. Learn its worth and the signals it sends you when it is tired or stressed.

This editorial reflects the general opinion of The Spectator.

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